What was actually interesting to us was not that the bacteria made light, but when the bacteria made light. 事实上,我们感兴趣的部分并不是细菌会不会发光,而是细菌何时发光。 What we noticed is when the bacteria were alone, so when th
And yet, we have in this country this dynamic where we really don't like to talk about our problems. 然而,我们这个国家不喜欢讨论存在的问题。 We don't like to talk about our history. 我们不喜欢讨论历史。 And because of that, we re
But now here's where the bias comes in. 但是现在偏见出现了。 Our most important institutions, our schools and our workplaces, 我们最重要的机构,学校及职场, they are designed mostly for extroverts and for extroverts' need for
When I learned, some years ago, that writers were expected to have had really unhappy childhoods to be successful, 当我多年前听说作家们必须有极其不幸的童年才能取得成功的时候, I began to think about how I could invent horrible thi
Shortly after he published my first novel, I went to a TV station in Lagos to do an interview, 在他发布了我的第一部小说的不久后,我前往拉各斯的一家电视台接受访问, and a woman who worked there as a messenger came up to me and said, "I
First, a video. Yes, it is a scrambled egg. But as you look at it, I hope you'll begin to feel just slightly uneasy. 首先,来段录像。对,这是个被搅拌的鸡蛋。但是,当你看它的时候,我希望你能开始感受到有一点点的怪异。 Because you may notice that what'
I gave her my whole rap, and when I finished she looked at me and she said, "Mmm mmm mmm." 我做了一个全本无删减的演讲,当我结束时,她盯着我说:“别别别。” She said, "That's going to make you tired, tired, tired." 她说:“这些会让你很累,很累,很累的
But let me split sub-Saharan Africa. 下面把撒哈拉以南非洲地区分解成各个国家。 Health is there and better health is up there. 分布靠上边的国家拥有更高的健康水平。 I can go here and I can split sub-Saharan Africa into its countries. 撒哈拉以南的非
Now, some of you might be thinking, "Hold on a minute. 在座的有些人现在一定可能在想,“得了吧。 She doesn't look very much like an ocean rower. 她长得一点也不像个横渡大洋者。 Isn't she meant to be about this tall and about this wide an
And my mother, my grandmother was tough, but she was also loving. 我的外婆很强势,但她也很慈爱。 When I would see her as a little boy, she'd come up to me and she'd give me these hugs. 当我是个小男孩时,每次见到她都拥抱我。 And she'd
And if we move back again, here, and we put on trails on them, like this, 我们再回到过去,给每个球画出运动的轨迹, you can see again that the speed of development is very, very different, 可以看到,发展速度的差距非常大, and the countri
Well I believe that our identity is at risk. 我相信这说明我们有定位危机。 That when we actually don't care about these difficult things, 当我们对这些棘手的问题置之不顾时, the positive and wonderful things are nonetheless implicate
If I look at my cycle, seven years, one year sabbatical, it's 12.5 percent of my time. 看看我的周期,干七年,休一年,是我百分之12.5的时间。 And if I look at companies that are actually more successful than mine, 看看比我更成功的公司,
I also tried to be the safest person I could be, because that's a part of health. 我还尽我所能做个最安全的人,因为这也是健康的一部分。 I was inspired by the Danish Safety Council. 我受到丹麦安全委员会的启发。 They started a public campaign
Cuttlefish. I love cuttlefish. This is a Giant Australian Cuttlefish. 墨鱼,我很喜欢墨鱼。这是一只巨型澳大利亚墨鱼。 And there he is, his droopy little eyes up here. But they can do pretty amazing things, too. 看它,看它那双无精打采的眼
I think there are probably three key points here. 我认为有三个关键问题。 The first one is about the stories that we tell ourselves. 第一个关键是我们对自己的认识。 For so long, I told myself that I couldn't have an adventure be
The other point: It's about taking responsibility. 另外的一个关键问题,是关于承担责任的问题。 For so much of my life, I wanted something else to make me happy. 我在生活的大部分时间里都努力使自己高兴。 I thought if I had the right house or th
So this is what I could display here. 那么一起来看看。 I put fertility rate here: number of children per woman: one, two, three, four, up to about eight children per woman. X轴是生育率,每个妇女的育儿数,从每人1,2,3,4胎到8胎。 We
The reason that Vibrio fischeri is doing that comes from the biology. 费氏弧菌的发光现象来自生物学上的原因。 Again, another plug for the animals in the ocean, Vibrio fischeri lives in this squid. 接下来,我们再来看一个海洋生物:费式弧菌寄生在
And the third thing about intelligence is, it's distinct. 培养好学生的第三个原则就是个性化。 I'm doing a new book at the moment called "Epiphany," 我目前在写本书,书名叫《顿悟》, which is based on a series of interviews with people