When they saw me, they said, "We want a faster processor and a better mouse." 当他们看到我时,他们说:“我们想要更快一点的处理器和更好一点的鼠标。” So I said, "How on Earth do you know all this?" 我说:“你们到底是怎么知道全部这些的?” And they said som
To this day, he is a stick of TNT lit from both ends, could describe to you in detail the way the sky bends in the moment before it's about to fall, 今天,他就像是一根TNT炸药桶,两端都被点燃了,他会告诉你,当天空开始坠落时天空将会如何的扭曲弯折,
The puzzle we came up with was an if-then rule. 我们想出的难题是个”如果-则“规则。 We asked the bees to learn not just to go to a certain color, but to a certain color flower only when it's in a certain pattern. 我们要求
And every single part of this mechanism is actually plausible in biology. 实际上,这个机制的每一个步骤在生物领域中都是可行的。 In other words, I've taken off-the-shelf components, and I've made a spectroscope. 换句话讲,我用现成的部件做成了一
Now, we're going to do a little demonstration, right? You have to close your eyes, and you have to point where you hear me clapping. All right? 我们现在做一些简单的说明,好吗?你得闭上你的眼睛,然后指出我拍手的位置。好吗? Okay, how about
Now, the idea is not as crazy as it sounds. 其实,这个想法并不像听起来那么恐怖。 I started a contest four years ago called Dance Your Ph.D. Instead of explaining their research with words, scientists have to explain it
OK, great, we smell vibrations. How? All right? 好吧,我们闻到的是震动。怎么闻到呢? Now when people ask this kind of question, they neglect something, which is that physicists are really clever, unlike biologists. 当人们
So, I didn't always make my living from music. 我以前并不靠音乐谋生。 For about the five years after graduating from an upstanding liberal arts university, this was my day job. 自从我五年前从一所正派的文理学院毕业起,这是我白天的工作。 I wa
So remember, I said 4D. So today for the first time, we're unveiling a new project, which is a collaboration with Stratasys, and it's called 4D printing. 还记得我刚才提到了四维,今天我们首次向大家展示一个新项目,这是和Stratasys公司一同合
Now, coumarin is a very common thing, a material, in fragrance which is derived from a bean that comes from South America. 香豆素是香水中一个十分平常的原料,从来自南美的豆子中提炼出来的。 And it is the classic synthetic aroma chemic
And the problem with it is, I think we are setting ourselves up for a kind of disaster like the disaster we had in the financial system, 而问题在于,我认为,我们正在将我们自己置于类似于金融风暴那样的灾难之上, where we take a system tha
This picture is a typical seasonal grassland. 这张图是典型的季节性草原。 It has just come through four months of rain, and it's now going into eight months of dry season. 刚刚经历了4个月的雨季,将要进入8个月的旱季。 And watch the chan
Now I have to admit, these are the worst studies my lab has ever run. 现在我要承认,这个是我实验室里进行过的最糟糕的实验。 Because the tickle sensation on the palm comes and goes, you need large numbers of subjects with these
Now this is one of my plans. This is what I want to do. 这使我目前计划中的一个。这是我想要做的。 I want to plant a whole block of gardens where people can share in the food in the same block. 我想要种一整个街区的菜园,在这个街区人们能够分享食物。
Now, I know that the number one rule to being cool is to seem unfazed, to never admit that anything scares you or impresses you or excites you. 现在我知道要扮酷的第一法则,要显得不为所动,从来都不承认会有吓着你,或令你惊讶或使你兴奋的事。 Somebody
So, this book that I have in my hand is a directory of everybody who had an email address in 1982. 呃,我手里的这本书是1982年所有拥有电邮地址的人的通讯录。 Actually, it's deceptively large. 它看起来很大,其实不然。 There's actually only a
I'd like to close with this poem. 我想以此诗来做结束。 When they bombed Hiroshima, the explosion formed a mini-supernova, so every living animal, human or plant that received direct contact with the rays from t
The fragrance that you will smell, you will never be able to smell this way again. 一会你们将闻到一款香水,它会带给你们绝无仅有的体验。 It's a fragrance called Beyond Paradise, which you can find in any store in the nation. 这款
So I tested them. I got an educational impossibility, zero to 30 percent in two months in the tropical heat with a computer under the tree in a language they didn't know doing something that's a decad
She was eight years old, our first day of grade three when she got called ugly. 我认识一个女孩,9岁升到三年级的第一天便有人唤她丑。 We both got moved to the back of class so we would stop getting bombarded by spitballs. 我俩都搬到