The children came rushing, said, "What's all this?" 孩子们涌了过来问:“这些都是什么?” So I said, "It's very topical, very important. But it's all in English." 我说:“这些都是热门的,重要的东西。但都是英文写的。” So they said, "How can we un
So me and my group, L.A. Green Grounds, we got together and we started planting my food forest, fruit trees, you know, the whole nine, vegetables. 因此我和我的团队,“洛杉矶绿地”,我们聚在一起开始种植自己的食物森林,果树,还有整整九种蔬菜。 What
Wait -- The same study found that smiling is as stimulating as receiving up to 16,000 pounds sterling in cash. 不仅如此,这项研究还发现微笑带来的刺激还相当于16000英镑现金产生的刺激。 That's like 25 grand a smile. It's not bad. And th
I took this picture in the Tihamah Desert while 25 millimeters -- that's an inch of rain -- was falling. 这张照片是我在提哈迈沙漠拍的——下着25毫米(一英寸)的雨。 Think of it in terms of drums of water, each containing 200 lite
So many of you. 好多人呀。 When I was a kid, I hid my heart under the bed, because my mother said, "If you're not careful, someday someone's going to break it." 当我还是小孩子的时候,我把自己的心藏在床底下,因为我的妈妈告诉我,“你要是不小心保管,终
Is this how stupid people die? And before I can change my mind, the door busts open. 愚蠢的人是不是就是这样死的?我还没来得及改变主意,门就打开了。 She's an artist. He's a financial blogger for Reuters, and they're pouring me a gla
However, I managed to get a hold of a Borane eventually, and here is the beast. 无论如何,我最终得到了一些硼烷,这就是那个“怪物”。 And it really does have the same -- if you calculate, if you measure the vibrational frequenc
What is going to be the future of learning? 未来学习是什么样子的? I do have a plan, but in order for me to tell you what that plan is, I need to tell you a little story, which kind of sets the stage. 我有个计划,但是为了
In three dimensions, we did a project last year at TED Global with Autodesk and Arthur Olson where we looked at autonomous parts -- so individual parts not pre-connected that can come together on thei
I shall now, therefore, humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be liable to the least objection. 所以,今天我谨提出我的观点,希望不会遭到反对。 Once we eliminate public funding for the artists, let's put them
But we've got a problem. Tasks are symbolic -- I want to drink, I want to dance -- but the movement system has to contract 600 muscles in a particular sequence. 但在这里出现问题了。动作任务是符号性质的--我要喝水,我要跳舞--但是运动系统
And I would get harassed sometimes. People would yell at me from their cars. "Get a job!" 有时候我会被骚扰。开车路过的人从车里对我大喊。“找份工作去!” And I'd be, like, "This is my job." But it hurt, because it made me fear that
So let's think about the inference. You want to generate beliefs about the world. 我们先来看推断。在推断中,我们要建立对于当前情景的“信念”。 So what are beliefs? Beliefs could be: where are my arms in space? 那么什么是信念?信念可以是我的胳膊在空间
So I'd like to propose that we can combine those two worlds, that we can combine the world of the nanoscale programmable adaptive materials and the built environment. 所以我建议把这两个世界结合起来,把纳米级上可程序化、能自我调节的材
It is tempting. Once you've figured this out, it is tempting to keep writing the same poem, or keep telling the same story, over and over, once you've figured out that it will gain you applause. 它也是很诱
So I'm not saying, "Be like us", and "We're perfect role models", because we're not, but we just want to help represent girls in a way that shows those different dimensions. 所以我不是在说,“学我们的样子” 和“我们是完美的典
Another aha! moment came from a 2010 Wayne State University research project that looked into pre-1950s baseball cards of Major League players. 另一项令人顿悟的研究是由2010年韦恩州立大学进行的,这个项目研究了二十世纪五十年代前美国职业棒球联盟球员卡。
But I want to tell them that all of this is just debris left over when we finally decide to smash all the things we thought we used to be, 但是我想要告诉他们,当我们决定跟过去的自己决裂,开始全新的自己,这些经历不过是我们抛弃的废墟, and if you ca
I also declared to the world at large that I would ride it out, and I would not allow cancer to ride me. 我还向世界宣告,我将度过难关,我不会允许癌症将我打倒。 But to go from where I was to where I wanted to be, I needed someth
This is who I am. This is how I stand up for myself. 这就是我。这就是我自强的方式。 When I was a kid, I used to think that pork chops and karate chops were the same thing. 当我是小孩子的时候,我曾经认为“猪排骨”和“空手劈”是一样的。 I thought t