Well if we want to think about a way of getting a taste of that kind of baby consciousness as adults, 如果我们大人也想体验一下小孩的那种知觉, I think the best thing is think about cases where we're put in a new situatio
And I got to tell you, I think that was a huge error. 而我要说的是,我认为那是一个巨大的错误。 You know, I think that allowing somebody, one mere person to believe that he or she is like, the vessel, you know, 让一个人,区区一个个
We're now entering to the third stage, which is what I'm talking about, and that is where we link the data. 现在我们要进入第三阶段,我们连接资料的地方。 So, I don't know what the name of this thing is. I'm calling it the o
Now the day after we arrived, a new crisis began to unfold. 也就是在我们抵达的第二天,一个新的危机出现了。 The oil slick was now moving north towards Dassen Island, and the rescuers despaired, because they knew if the oil h
Now when the Treasure sank in 2000, it was the height of the best breeding season scientists had ever recorded for the African penguin, which at the time, was listed as a threatened species. 而当2000年“宝
And I'm asking myself, "What is wrong with me? What is going on?" 我对自己说,“我究竟是怎么了? And in that moment, my left hemisphere brain chatter went totally silent. “发生了什么事?”而就在那个时候,我的脑子开始咔哒作响了——我的左脑嗡嗡的响——突然一片
How can I speak in 10 minutes about the bonds of women over three generations, 10分钟何尝够我来讲述,关于三代妇女间的纽带, about how the astonishing strength of those bonds took hold in the life of a four-year-old girl h
And another thing that I enjoy doing is drawing. Drawing, because I like to draw, you know, Japanese anime art. I think that's a craze among teens right now. 另外一个我爱干的事情是画画,我喜欢画日本动画,这个现在在青少年中非常疯狂。 And
When I did "Mission: Impossible III," we had amazing visual effects. ILM did the effects; it was incredible. 当我完成《碟中谍3》的时候,我们有很令人吃惊的视觉特效。ILM做的特效;那效果真难以置信! And sort of my dream to be involved. And ther
We need not just campaigning physicists, but we need biologists, computer experts and environmentalists as well. 我们不仅需要参加竞选的物理学家,还需要有生物学家,计算机专家和环境保护者们共同参与。 And I think academics and independent entrep
Third trend: robots. Those of us of a certain age grew up expecting that by now we would have Rosie the Robot from "The Jetsons" in our house. 第三个趋势:机器人。我们这年龄的人从年轻一直到现在还在期待,家里会有“杰森一家”里的罗茜和罗伯特。 And all
If you look at the federal budget, this is what it looks like. The orange slice is what's discretionary. Everything else is mandated. 如果你们去看看联邦政府的预算,就是这个样子的。橙色部分是自由资金,别的都是强制性的。 It makes no difference
And that search has led me to ancient Greece and ancient Rome. 这一寻找最后把我带到了古希腊和古罗马。 So stay with me, because it does circle around and back. 所以请耐心听我讲,因为最后会绕回到我们的问题。 But, ancient Greece and ancient Rome
Now, right behind the financial crisis there's a second and bigger wave that we need to talk about. 现在,在金融危机背后的是第二波更大的浪潮,这是我们需要讲的。 That wave is much larger, much more powerful, and that's of course th
Now, 10 years ago, if we wanted to do that, we'd have to kill a stuntman. 好,10年前我们如果要拍这个,估计得弄死这哥们。 It would be harder. Take two would be a bitch. 那肯定很难拍,如果我喊重拍一次那简直是人渣。 So the amazing thing was, we we
I was like, "Okay." So I found a therapist. My first meeting with her, Diana -- I brought in my list of the way the whole-hearted live, and I sat down. 就这样我找到了一个心理医生。我跟她,戴安娜的第一次见面--我带去了一份表单,上面都是那些全身心投
Embracing otherness. When I first heard this theme, I thought, well, embracing otherness is embracing myself. 拥抱他人。当我第一次听到这个主题时,我觉得拥抱他人就是拥抱我自己。 And the journey to that place of understanding and accep
I think I'm in a difficult position here. Inequalities in China and India I consider really the big obstacle 我在左右为难中。中印两国的最大障碍就是不平等, because to bring the entire population into growth and prosperity i
What do these people have in common? I have a slight office supply addiction, but that's another talk. 这群人有什么共同之处?我对办公用品有点痴迷,但这是另一个话题了。 So I had a manila folder, and I had a Sharpie, and I was like, w
Let's take a snapshot at aviation. And there was a wonderful little short four-year time period when marvelous things happened. 让我们迅速回览一下航空工业。曾有四年短暂的美好时期,那时发生了许多奇迹。 It started in 1908, when the Wright