If you take 10,000 people at random, 9,999 have something in common: their interests in business lie on or near the Earth's surface. 如果你随机挑选出10000个人,其中的9999个人会有如下共性:他们对商业的兴趣显而易见。 The odd one out is an
Whether or not you realize it, we are at the dawn of a technological arms race, 不论你们是否意识到,我们即将迎来一场科技军备竞赛, an arms race between people who are using technology for good and those who are using it for i
I found this passion not far from here, actually, when I was nine years old. My family was on a road trip and we were in the Grand Canyon. 事实上,我找到热情的地方离这儿并不远,那年我九岁,我们全家一起自驾游到美国大峡谷。 And I had never bee
So let's project this analogy going forward. We think about energy scarcity. 让我们把这个比喻应用到其他方面,让我们想一想能源短缺。 Ladies and gentlemen, we are on a planet that is bathed with 5,000 times more energy than we us
And when I'm acting a role, I inhabit another self, and I give it life for awhile, because when the self is suspended so is divisiveness and judgment. 当我表演一个角色时,我进入了另一个自我,我在一段时间内赋予其生命,当自我被抑制时,它的多样性和判断
Well, what's it like to be this kind of creature? What's it like to be one of these brilliant butterflies who can test five hypotheses in two minutes? 当小孩子是什么样一种经历呢?像那些聪明的蝴蝶一样,在两分钟内测试五个假设? Well, if yo
And so I began to think about that. And it turned out that this machine happens to be the most reliable machine that we've ever made. 我发觉到这部机器正是人类有史以来创造过的最可靠的机器。 It has not crashed; it's running unint
I was in Congo in February, dancing and celebrating with women who've survived the destruction of their selves in literally unthinkable ways -- 二月份的时候我在刚果,与那些自我曾遭受难以想象的毁灭的女人们一起跳舞庆祝。 destroyed because
So the question is: What would the baby give her, what they liked or what she liked? 但大家都想知道:宝宝会给她什么,是贝蒂喜欢的还是自己喜欢的? And the remarkable thing was that 18 month-old babies, just barely walking and talki
Not the bank's computer or Lockheed's computer, but the home computer was for games. 不是银行的电脑或洛克希德导弹与航天公司的电脑,家用电脑是用于游戏的。 For a whole decade it was for fun -- we didn't even know what it was for. 对于整整一代
Well, first of all, what's going to happen next? The first industry will be a high volume, a lot of players. 那么,首先,接下来会发生什么?第一产业将会数量巨大,参与者众多。 There's another one announced just last week. And it will
So I decided to ask why. At first -- the first thing I did was I emailed some professors who specialized in skeletal muscle physiology, 因此,我决定打破沙锅问到底。我做的第一件事是,发电子邮件给一些研究骨骼肌的教授。 and pretty much said, "
As we move forward, we'll see new technologies also, like the Internet of Things. 随着人类社会向前发展,我们也会见证很多新科技的诞生,比如物联网。 Every day we're connecting more and more of our lives to the Internet, which means th
I think what we'll do is we'll see a successful, very successful, private space flight industry. 我认为我们要做的会让我们看到成功的,非常成功的私人太空飞船行业。 Whether we're first or not really doesn't matter. The Russians actuall
I had this encounter recently where I met the extraordinary American poet Ruth Stone, 比方说,我最近见到杰出的美国诗人露丝.斯通, who's now in her 90s, but she's been a poet her entire life and she told me that when she w
Like that, you know. The answer -- the short answer to all those questions is, "Yes." Yes, I'm afraid of all those things. 我当时一直得到诸如此类的质疑。对于这些质疑,最简单的回答是:“怕” 是的,这种种一切都让人害怕。 And I always have been. And
Well, let's go back to this picture. There's one challenge symbolized at the top, but there's another challenge to science symbolized at the bottom. 好吧,让我们回到这张图片。在其上部有一个符号化了的科学挑战。而在其下部同样有一个符号化了的科学挑战。
And we perfect, most dangerously, our children. Let me tell you what we think about children. 我们想要让我们的孩子变得完美,这是最危险的。让我告诉你我们是如何看待孩子的。 They're hardwired for struggle when they get here. And when you hol
My left hemisphere, our left hemisphere, is a very different place. 我的左脑半球,我们的左脑半球,则是一个完全不同的地方。 Our left hemisphere thinks linearly and methodically. 我们左脑半球的思考是线性的,系统的。 Our left hemisphere is all abou
We all worry about our privacy settings on Facebook, but the fact of the matter is, our openness can be used against us. 我们都为我们在Facebook上的隐私设置感到烦恼,但是问题的实际情况在于,我们的坦率可能会被用来伤害我们自己。 Terrorists are doing t