This list is just for illustration; it is incomplete. 这个列表仅仅是一个例子,它是不完整的。 The list on the right is also incomplete. 右边的列表也一样不完整。 It's a list of types of pathology that are age-related, 它们只是一种与年龄 a
I had spent a year photographing this new generation of girls, much like myself, 我曾花了一年的时间拍摄像我一样的新一代的女性, who fell kind of between-the-lines -- 觉得自己处在两个极端之间的女孩子—— girls who skateboarded but did it in l
I want you to imagine two couples 我希望大家设想一下,两对夫妇 in the middle of 1979 在1979年的年中 on the exact same day, at the exact same moment, 在相同的一天,相同的时刻 each conceiving a baby -- okay? 每对怀上了一个孩子 -- 好 So two cou
I'm Jane McGonigal. I'm a game designer. 我叫JaneMcGonigal,我是一名游戏设计师 I've been making games online now for 10 years, 我从事网络游戏设计已经10年了 and my goal for the next decade 我未来十年的目标 is to try to mak
The global challenge that I want to talk to you about today 我今天要跟大家谈的全球性挑战 rarely makes the front pages. 很少出现在头版头条 It, however, is enormous 但是,它影响之广,之深, in both scale and importance. 都不可小视。 Look, you
But I think women are actually going to be -- ironically enough -- 但我想,很讽刺的是女性的确会 responsible for driving a stake through the heart 挑起大梁, of cheesy genre categories 给予俗气的流派类别狠狠的一击 like the "chick
Allow me to start this talk with a question to everyone. 请允许我以一个问题开始 You know that all over the world, 你清楚世界各地 people fight for their freedom, 有人为了自由而奋斗 fight for their rights. 有人为了权利而战 Some battle op
I was asked last year to give a speech 去年我曾被邀请在 at the Oslo Freedom Forum. 奥斯陆自由论坛上做演讲 I was surrounded by this love 我觉得我周围 and the support of people around me, 都是来自人们的爱与支持 and they looked at me as an
You know, 你知道, as a parent with the privilege 作为一名有着抚养女儿 of raising a daughter 义务的父亲, like all of you who are doing the same thing, 我跟你们所有为人父母的人一样, we find this world and this statistic very alarming
Let me tell you about Saima. 我要告诉你们赛玛的故事。 She lives in a small village outside Lahore, Pakistan. 她住在拉合尔市外的一个小村子,在巴基斯坦。 And at the time, she was miserable. 她当时悲惨到家了。 She was beaten every single day 每一天
Namaste. Good morning. 早上好! I'm very happy to be here in India. 很高兴今天来到印度。 And I've been thinking a lot about what I have learned 过去的十一年,我带着《阴道独白》和V-Day运动, over these last particularly 11 year
This is actually me making the "I'm Not Good At Life" face. 这就是我做出的“不擅长生活”表情 This is a piece of graffiti in my old neighborhood 这也是我在加州的伯克利的 in Berkeley, California, where I did my PhD 一
But you learn lessons from these things that happen to you. 但人们会从经历中学习 I learned to be always there. 我也是这样 The first thing, I got out of jail, 我从监狱出来的第一件事 of course after I took a shower, I went onlin
We're able to connect with people quite freely 我们能够更自由地与人联系在一起 and to redefine ourselves online. 在网上重新定义我们自己。 And we can lie about our age online, too, pretty easily. 在网上关于年龄问题我们能很容易地撒谎。 We can al
I want to talk a little bit about 我今天就希望讲讲这一点 the Democratic Republic of Congo. 首先是民主刚果共和国 For me, it was the turning point of my life. 对我来说,那是一个人生的转折点 I have spent a lot of time there in the last thr
So you see how transformative 你已经看到了 little bits of help can be. 微薄的帮助如何带来巨变。 But I want to give you a reality check. 但我还要给你们看看事实。 Look: U.S. aid, helping people is not easy, 美国援助,助人不易。 and there have
Let me tell you about Beatrice Biira. 下面这个故事有关碧翠斯,比拉. Beatrice was living in Uganda 碧翠斯住在乌干达, near the Congo border, 刚果边界附近, and like Dai Manju, she didn't go to school. 和戴曼君一样,她失学了。 Actually, she
So research has shown, 有研究显示, if you look at people who live under two dollars a day -- 那些每天消费两美金以下的人-- one metric of poverty -- 这绝对是标准的贫困人群-- two percent of that take-home pay 他们百分之二的收入 goes to this
I actually realized once in Kosovo, 有一次我去了科索沃 when I watched a man break down, 看到一个男人倒下 that bullets are actually hardened tears, 忽然间想到,原来子弹就是硬化的泪珠啊 that when we don't allow men to have their girl
And that brings me to my first major 我写《半边天》的两个信条之一 of two tenets of "Half the Sky." 是从这里得到启发的。 And that is that 这一个信条就是 the central moral challenge 本世纪 of this century 最大的伦理道德挑战 is gender i