Alison Bechdel is a comic book artist, 艾莉森·贝克德尔是一个漫画作家, and back in the mid-'80s, she recorded this conversation 在80年代中期,,她记录下了她和一个朋友 she'd had with a friend about assessing the movies that th
Let me tell you about Mahabuba. 我要告诉你们马哈布巴的故事。 She lives in Ethiopia. 她住在埃塞俄比亚。 She was married against her will at age 13. 她13岁时被迫结婚。 She got pregnant, ran to the bush to have the baby, 她怀孕了,试图在灌木丛中生
So I think by now, everyone knows that we can't drive, 我在想,现在人们都知道我们不能开车 or women are not allowed to drive, in Saudi Arabia, 或者说,在沙特阿拉伯,妇女不允许开车 but maybe few know why. 但很少有人知道其中的缘由 Allow me to hel
So then, I ask, 我想问的是, what's in it for you? 你可以为此做些什么? You're probably asking that. Why should you care? 你可以正有这个疑问:这于我何干? I will just leave you with two things. 我只再说两点。 One is that research s
And what I want to suggest is that, 我想提出的一个想法是 having talked to girls, because I just finished a new book called 我们,都来跟女孩开展对话。 "I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the Wor
Compare this to 1939 with "The Wizard of Oz." 对比一下1939年的《绿野仙踪》。 How does Dorothy win her movie? 多萝西是如何取得胜利的? By making friends with everybody 她通过跟每个人都成为好朋友 and being a leader. 变成他们的领袖。 That&
You know, my favorite part of being a dad 身为父亲最让我开心的, is the movies I get to watch. 就是可以看自己喜欢的电影。 I love sharing my favorite movies with my kids, 我喜欢跟我的孩子分享我的电影, and when my daughter was four, 当我的女儿四岁
I'm going to make an argument today 我今天要提出一个新思想, that may seem a little bit crazy: 它听上去有一点儿疯狂: social media and the end of gender. 社交传媒和性别消失。 Let me connect the dots. 让我把这两件事情联系起来。 I'm going t
The most important thing to take from the percentage system is this: 百分制评价标准最重要的一点是, If you have gay people over here 如果这边是完全的同性恋, and you have straight people over here, 另一边是完全的异性恋, and while we reco
But my story goes beyond this moment of truth of mine. 但我的故事并没有就此结束 Allow me to give you a briefing 让我来简洁地 about my story. 介绍一下我整个的故事吧 It was May, 2011, 那是在2011年5月 and I was complaining to a work coll
Gamers don't sit around. 游戏玩家不是孤立的 Gamers are virtuosos at weaving a tight social fabric. 他们很擅长组建严密的社会结构 There's a lot of interesting research that shows 一项有趣的调查显示 that we like people better a
But to put that in context: 我们把这些数字写下来: 5.93 million years ago 593万年前 was when our earliest primate human ancestors stood up. 我们人类的祖先灵长类开始了直立行走 That was the first upright primate. 这是第一种直立行走的灵长类动物 Okay
I grew up in Northern Ireland, right up in the very, very north end of it there, 我从小在北爱尔兰长大,就在爱尔兰岛的最最北边 where it's absolutely freezing cold. 那里非常冷 This was me running around in the back garden mid
I know violent video games make my mother worry. 我知道我妈很担心那些带有暴力情节的电子游戏 What troubles me is not that video game violence is becoming more and more like real life violence, 而让我所担心的,不是电子游戏中的暴力正在变得越来越像现实生
Now, I could make a game called Piecraft, 现在,我可以做一个游戏名为《馅饼争霸》 where all you had to do was get a million pies or a thousand pies. 在里面你要做的所有事就是得到一百万个馅饼或者一千个馅饼 That would be very boring. 那会变得很无趣 Fifteen
The first one is very simple: experience bars measuring progress 首先看一个简单的:用经验值条量度进程 something that's been talked about brilliantly by people like Jesse Schell earlier this year. 它曾经被人精彩地讨论过,比如杰西谢尔
Now, they had half the civilization 古人通过所掌握的 go off in search of a new world, 二分之一的文明去寻找新世界 so that's where I get my 21 billion hours a week of game-play from. 而我们现在则有每周长达210亿小时的玩游戏时间 Let's ge
I'm a video game addict, 我是一个游戏爱好者, and it's not because of a certain number of hours I have spent playing, 不仅仅是因为我花好多时间来玩游戏 or nights I have gone without sleep to finish the next level. 也不是因为
So the way we acquired the games is very interesting and very unorthodox. 我们收购游戏的方式是十分有趣的,也是极不寻常的。 You see them here displayed alongside other examples of design, 你看在这里,它们陈列在其它设计样品的旁边, furniture and o
These are ancient dice, made out of sheep's knuckles. Right? 这些是古老的骰子,由羊的关节骨制作而成 Before we had awesome game controllers, 在我们设计出游戏控制器前 we had sheep's knuckles. 我们人类已经拥有了羊关节制作的骰子 And these repre