We had to get lucky in a lot of different ways. And sometimes, it's better to be lucky than good. 在很多方面我们都需要幸运的眷顾。有时,运气比正确操作更重要。 In this case, we were both, I like to think. But light had to come
How do you define ... "Daily active usage" seems like a really dangerous term to be optimizing. Taken, 你是如何定义……过于美化“每日活跃参与度”这个数值似乎是一件危险的事, taken alone, it is, but you didn't let me finis
You'll see here that some light from behind it gets lensed, and some light does a loop-the-loop around the entire orbit of the black hole. 你现在看到的是在黑洞后面的一些光透过它,有些光的确会一直绕着黑洞转。 But when you get enoug
This is a very powerful black hole. Not by universal standards, it's still powerful, 这是一个强有力的黑洞。虽然不是公认的,但它依然非常强大, and from the north and south poles of this black hole we think that jets are comin
Let's see what you guys are asking. I mean, this is -- generally, one of the amazing things about Twitter is how you can use it for crowd wisdom, 让我们看看你们在问什么。我觉得,这是——总体而言,推特的特点之一在于它能够集中大众智慧, you k
Well, do you, though? Because that's the core question that a lot of people want to know. 并且——安德森:你是这么想的吗?这是许多人想问的一个核心问题。 Surely, Jack, you're constrained, to a huge extent, by the fact that y
So say EPC. EPC. Say it, EPC! EPC! 说EPC!EPC!说EPC!EPC! "I like to say it with pride now, when you do it, do it well, and make sure that it counts. You're not down with a discount." “我喜欢自豪
We're ordering it the right way, but we're also simplifying the rules so that they're human-readable 我们以正确的顺序排列信息,但同时我们也在简化规则,使其简单易懂, so that people can actually understand themselves when
You can't beat the bandwidth of a 747 filled with hard discs. 没有哪个网络比一架满载硬盘的波音747飞机更快的了。 And so, I guess a few weeks or a few months ago, on a computer screen somewhere, this started to come into
The song is about cheating on your significant other. 这首歌是关于出轨的。 Now, around the time that this song was in heavy rotation, 在这首歌特别流行的时候, biologists were in deep discussion about whether bird species,
And that took some work. And as we dived into that, we realized some of the issues with the fundamentals. 这花了一点时间。当我们开始关注这方面时,我们意识到一些原则性的问题。 We could do a bunch of superficial things to address what y
Just to back up a bit, we asked ourselves a question: Can we actually measure the health of a conversation, and what does that mean? 让我们倒回去一点,我们问了自己一个问题:我们是否能测量对话的质量?而对质量的定义又是什么? And in the same way t
It's the red circle, that's terrifying. No, really. Black holes really are the central mystery of our age, 这个红色的圈太吓人了。你在开玩笑。黑洞可谓是我们这个时代的中心之谜, because that's where the quantum world and the
Now, hip-hop song references are a really good tool for teaching content to students from hip-hop culture or urban communities. 对于教导嘻哈文化背景下,或城市社区背景下的学生,嘻哈的确是个绝佳的工具。 And I use it intentionally to conne
Yeah, I mean, I think you're spot on, but that goes back to the incentives. Like, 是的,我觉得你讲的正中要害,但这反过来回到了刚才所说的动机问题。 one of the choices we made in the early days was we had this number that showed h
Now, it was so bad that this was the headline of the "New York Times" science section, August, 1990. 这件事情的影响如此广泛,使它成为了《纽约时报》1990年8月刊科学板块的头条。 "Mating for Life? It's not for the Birds
"It's OPP, time for other people's what you get it there's no room for relationship, there's just room to ..." “OPP就是你眼前的人已经属于其他人,没有机会发展恋爱关系,只有机会发展……” Hit it! How many brothe
How y'all doing? Good. I came here to give you a science lesson 大家好吗?非常好。今天我想给大家上一堂科学课, about animal mating systems and why defining monogamy has been a challenge for scientists. 关于动物交配体系,以及为什么对科学
What we could do instead is allow you to follow an interest, follow a hashtag, follow a trend, follow a community, 我们可以改进的地方在于让你关注一项兴趣爱好,关注一个标签,关注一种趋势,关注一个群体。 which gives us the opportunity to show al
Shep, thank you so much for coming. I think your plane landed literally two hours ago in Vancouver. 克里斯·谢普,感谢你的到来。我听说你乘坐的航班两个小时前刚到达温哥华。 Such a treat to have you. So, talk us through how do you get fro