On June 12, 2014, precisely at 3:33 in a balmy winter afternoon in Sao Paulo, Brazil,a typical South American winter afternoon,this kid, this young man that you see celebrating here like he had scored
Unfortunately, I heard the billionaire Steve Forbes,on Fox News, saying exactly the same thing, but seriously. 不幸的是,我也曾听到亿万富翁史蒂夫?福布斯在福克斯新闻这样说过, He was told about the rise of the ocean,and he said,I fi
We basically analyze the changes in the light that are recorded at every pixel in the video over time,and then we crank up those changes. 首先我们分析了录像中每个像素的光线随时间发生的变化,我们放大这些变化。 We make them bigger so tha
When researchers ask heroin addicts what's the toughest drug to quit, most say cigarettes. 当研究人员问海洛因成瘾者,他们最难戒掉的是什么大多数人说是香烟。 Yet in my country and many others,half of all the people who were ever a
What has the War on Drugs done to the world? 毒品战争对世界有什么影响? Look at the murder and mayhem in Mexico,Central America, so many other parts of the planet,the global black market estimated at 300 billion d
They have an airstrip, they have a canteen,they have hot showers,they have a post office, a tourist shop,a basketball court that doubles as a movie theater. 那儿有停机坪 厨房,热水浴。有邮局,游轮,以及两倍于一个电影院的篮球场。 So it&
He even said,what if they see mistakes and sue us? 他甚至说,如果他们看到错误并起诉我们怎么办? What I saw behind every excuse was deep fear,and what I learned was that to become a doctor,we have to put on our white coats,
And I liked drinking too, but it was obvious that alcohol was really the more dangerous of the two,but my friends and I could get busted for smoking a joint. 我也很喜欢喝酒,但是很显然这两者中酒精确实更加危险,可是我和我的朋友是有可能因为吸食
So we humans have an extraordinary potential for goodness,but also an immense power to do harm. 人类为善的潜力没有尽头,但为恶的能力也不可小觑。 Any tool can be used to build or to destroy. 任何工具,在人类手里都可用于行善, 也都可用于作恶。 That al
Let's just look at a few of these strategies. 让我们来看看其中一些策略吧: First off, it's really interesting to see,to actually visually see, how quick the gay rights movement has made its gains,if you loo
When a new inhabitant moves into the tower, 当一个新的居住者搬进这座大楼, they already have a roof over their head, 他们已经有一个可以遮盖的房顶, so they just typically mark their space 所以他们通常只是使用 with a few curtains or sheets.
Election night 2008 was a night that tore me in half. 2008年的大选之夜,我激动万分。 It was the night that Barack Obama was elected. 这一夜,巴拉克奥巴马当选总统。 years after the end of slavery,years after the passage of the Vo
Another place I'd like to share with you 另一个我希望和你们分享的地方 is the Zabbaleen in Cairo. 是在开罗的扎巴林。 They're descendants of farmers who began migrating 这里的居民是40年代 from the upper Egypt in the '40s,
I only wish that some of those musicians were here with us today,so you could see at firsthand how utterly extraordinary they are. 查尔斯海泽伍德:我多希望他们今天也能在这儿,你们就能亲眼看到他们是多么非同寻常。 Paraorchestra is the name of
So in the oasis of intelligentsia that is TED,I stand here before you this evening as an expert in dragging heavy stuff around cold places. TED是智慧的绿洲,我有幸今晚站在这儿,以一位行走在天寒地冻区域的探险专家的身份发言。 I've been le
So over the past few centuries, microscopes have revolutionized our world. 过去的几个世纪,显微镜改变了世界。 They revealed to us a tiny world of objects, life and structures that are too small for us to see with our
Thank you. 谢谢。 Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢。谢谢。 Chris Anderson: Ethan, Chris Anderson:Ethan,congrats quite the reaction. 恭喜—反应相当的热烈。 That was a powerful talk. 真是个震撼的演讲。 Not quite a complete standing, thou
Flight control is Brazilian. 飞行管制是巴西人发明的。 So we went together with these guys and we basically put this exoskeleton together,15 degrees of freedom, hydraulic machine that can be commanded by brain sig
So here's the sound that we played in the room. 这是我们在房间中播放的声音。 And this is a high-speed video we recorded of that bag of chips. 这是我们摄制的薯片袋的高速视频。 Again it's playing. 同样, There's no chance y
We saw this a couple of decades ago 我们在在几世纪之前目睹了这一切的发生。 when Teddy Kollek, the great mayor of Jerusalem 当耶路撒冷的市长,特迪·科勒克 (Teddy Kollek) in the '80s and the '90s, 在八十和九十年代, was besieged one day