This is the skyline of my hometown, New Orleans. 这是我家乡新奥尔兰的天际线, It was a great place to grow up, 这是一个适合长大的地方。 but it's one of the most vulnerable spots in the world. 但这也是这世上最脆弱的地方之一, Half the city
I'd like to share three sets of examples, starting with adapting to violent storms and floods. 我想分享三个例子,开始于适应猛烈的暴风雨和洪水。 In New Orleans, the I-10 Twin Spans, with sections knocked out in Katrina, 在
I'm here to talk about the next big thing, 我在这里要谈论另一件重要事情 because what we're finding out is that 因为我们发现 we have this capacity to report eyewitness accounts of what's going on in real time.
So, a big question that we're facing now and have been for quite a number of years now: 我们现在面临一个大问题,这个问题已经持续了很多年: are we at risk of a nuclear attack? 我们是否处于遭受核袭击的危险之中呢? Now, there's a bigger q
Seven million ship cargo containers come into the United States every year. 每年有七百万集装箱货船驶入美国 Five to seven percent only are inspected -- five to seven percent. 其中只有百分之五到七接受了检查--百分之五到七 This is Alexander
Health studies from the region are conflicting and fraught. 针对那个地区做的健康研究都很矛盾又漏洞百出。 The World Health Organization puts the number of Chernobyl-related deaths at 4,000, eventually. 世界卫生组织估计与切尔诺贝利事件相关的死亡
We didn't get our authority from the board of selectmen 我们既没有得到行政委员会的授权 or the emergency management director or the United Way. 也没有被应急办主任或是Uited Way批准 We just started answering questions and makin
So how can we find ways to make arguments yield something positive? 所以我们如何去进行辩论,并使之有一些积极的影响呢? What we need is new exit strategies for arguments. 我们所需要的是一个新的方式来终止一场辩论。 But we're not going to have n
Now around Chernobyl, there are scattered ghost villages, 如今切尔诺贝利附近到处是毫无人烟的村庄, eerily silent, strangely charming, bucolic, totally contaminated. 静得吓人,诡谲迷人的气息,一片荒芜,完全受到污染。 Many were bulldozed under at
This is the Ministry of Justice. 这是司法部。 Behind that door is the National Judicial Archives. 那扇门后是国家司法档案馆。 The fellow in the door, Andre Filitrault -- 门旁站着的是安德烈·菲利亚特罗, who's the director of the Cen
After a lethal 1995 heat wave 在历经了1995年致命热浪侵袭后, turned refrigerator trucks from the popular Taste of Chicago festival into makeshift morgues, 它将那些在芝加哥美食庆典的冷藏车转换成临时搭建的停尸间 Chicago became a recognized le
In Nigeria, 在尼日利亚 open-source SMS tools are being used by the Red Cross community workers 红十字会的工作人员也在使用开放的短信工具 to gather information from the local community 他们从当地社区里收集资料 in an attempt to better under
Data. Data is inherently unsexy, but it can jumpstart an area's recovery. 看看数据。数据一向很枯燥,但能极大推动一个地区的重建 FEMA and the state will pay 85 percent of the cost of a federally declared disaster, FEMA和所在州会支
One illustration of the transformational power of technology is in Kibera. 一个与科技改革力量有关的例子发生在基贝拉 Kibera is one of Africa's largest slums. 基贝拉是非洲最大的贫民窟之一 It's on the outskirts of Nairobi, the ca
Now, notice, something interesting -- 接下来有意思的事情来了 Well, I should tell you about the Supreme Court first. 哦,我先说一下最高法院的审理结果吧 The Supreme Court decided. 最高法院判定: What do you suppose they said? 你们猜是怎样? The
Now, this quickly, my day job sent me to work out of our Milan office for a few months, 很快,因为日常工作的缘故,我会有几个月不在米兰, so I was like, what will I do? 有时候会迷惘,我要去做些啥啊? So I actually scheduled sleep on my cale
Right now, AIDG is working with KPFF Consulting Engineers, Architecture for Humanity, 目前,AIDG与KPFF咨询工程师,“人本建筑”协会一起 to bring more confined masonry training into Haiti. 为海地带去更多的砖混结构培训。 This is Xantus Da
Let's take a final example that's prominent in contemporary political debate: same-sex marriage. 最后再举一个例子,一个当代政治的热点话题:同性婚姻 There are those who favor state recognition only of traditional marri
So I'm here to tell you a story of success from Africa. 在这里,我要跟大家分享一个在非洲的成功故事。 A year and a half ago, 一年半以前 four of the five people who are full time members at Ushahidi, 在这里的5个人是Ushahidi的专职委员 whi
One thing the world needs, 有一样东西,这个世界非常需要, one thing this country desperately needs 这个国家更是迫切需要 is a better way of conducting our political debates. 那就是一种更好地进行政治辩论的方法 We need to rediscover the lost art