In order to convert this opaque, 90,000 hours of video into something that we could start to see, 为了把这个9万小时的录像变成我们能识辨的东西 we use motion analysis to pull out, as we move through space and through time,
The Bible says you cannot wear clothes made of mixed fibers, so I thought, "Sounds strange, but I'll try it." 圣经上说,不能穿混合纤维的衣物。所以我想:"这听起来很奇怪,但是我要试试看。" You only know if you try it. I got rid of all my p
A group of students was told that a small democratic country had been invaded and had asked the U.S. for help. 在一项研究中,一群学生被告知某个民主小国在遭到侵略后向美国寻求援助。 And they had to make a decision. What should they do?
So good job. Quest number three. 干得不错!我们来开始第三个任务。 Pick one: Because of the room, fate's really determined this for you, but here are the two options. 任选一项:因为我们都在一个大厅里,这使得我们没选择余地,但有两个选项。 If you're insi
I thought I'd tell you a little about what I like to write. And I like to immerse myself in my topics. 我打算跟你们聊些我想要写作的东西。我喜欢完全投入我的研究题目。 I just like to dive right in and become sort of a human guinea pi
My most recent book -- my previous book was called "The Know-It-All," 我最新的书--我前一本书叫做《无所不知》, and it was about the year I spent reading the Encyclopedia Britannica from A to Z in my quest to learn every
And I actually took out a handful of stones from my pocket that I had been carrying around for weeks, 然后我从口袋中拿出满手的石头,那时我已经带着这些石头几个礼拜了, hoping for just this interaction -- and, you know, they were pebb
So, I'm an artist. I live in New York, and I've been working in advertising for -- ever since I left school, 我是一名艺术家。我住在纽约,从事广告设计,从毕业开始我就一直做这行, so about seven, eight years now, and it was draining. I
And he was quiet for a moment. 那一刻他很安静 And I thought, "What am I thinking? He's five years old. He's not going to understand this." 我想:“我在想什么啊?他才5岁,他不会理解这些。” And just as I was having that thought, he
Also is the knowledge that right now we spend about in the first 25 years of our lives learning, 我还有另一个原因,目前我们大概用生命的前二十五年学习, then there is another 40 years that's really reserved for working. 之后的四十年用于
Why? Because we cannot ignore the metaphorical meaning of words either. 这是为什么?因为我们同样也不能忽视这些词暗喻的意义。 One of the sentences was, "Some jobs are jails." 其中一句话是:“有些工作是监狱” Now, unless you're a prison guard,
And the implications of this -- there are many, 这其中蕴含的--有很多意义 but one I just want to point out, is that there must be amazing feedback loops. 但是我想指出的其中的一个,就是这个过程中必定包涵了一个惊人的反馈循环 Of course, my son is le
So he didn't just learn water. 而他并不只是学会了水 Over the course of the 24 months, the first two years that we really focused on, 在24个月里,在最初的2年里,这才是我真正关注的 this is a map of every word he learned in chronologi
So a word without its source is like a cut flower. 一个没有来源的词就像一朵被剪下来的花。 You know, it's pretty to look at for a while, but then it dies. It dies too fast. 看一会还可以,不久就蔫了。蔫得太快了。 So, this whole time I've be
If you are like 98 percent of other people, 如果你象其余百分之九十八的人一样, you will identify the round, amoeboid shape as Bouba, and the sharp, spiky one as Kiki. 你会把这个圆圆的,变形虫形状的叫做Bouba,把尖尖的,刺猬状的叫做Kiki。 Can we do
And we see these amazing structures -- these little knots of two colors of thread we call "social hot spots." 我们看见令人惊讶的结构,这是两种颜色的小结点,我们把它称为社交热点 The spiral thread we call a "solo hot spot." 那些螺旋线我们称为单一
So if you think of the word "set," a set can be a badger's burrow, 当你想到一个词“set”—“set”可以指獾的穴, a set can be one of the pleats in an Elizabethan ruff, and there's one numbered definition in the OED. 也可以指
We call this a co-viewing clique, a virtual living room if you will. 我们称之为共视团体,你可以把它当成一个虚拟的客厅 And there are fascinating dynamics at play. It's not one way. 这里头上演着引人注目的戏剧。它不是单向的 A piece of content, an
So, you know, if you want to become more compassionate, 所以,你知道的,如果你想要变得更有同情心, you visit sick people in the hospital, and you will become more compassionate. 你去医院探望生病的人,然后你会变得比较慈善。 You donate money to
Now let me tell you that story. 现在让我告诉你们那个故事吧。 It started two years ago, when I hit my head and got a concussion. 这得从两年前说起,当我头被撞后我得了脑震荡。 The concussion didn't heal properly, and after 30 days, 直到现在,脑震