Okay, now I don't want to alarm anybody in this room, but it's just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar. 我不想吓唬你们,但是我发现坐在你右边的那个人是个骗子。 Also, the person to your left is a liar. 坐
And I was shocked and shaken to the core. 我震惊不已, 吓得不得了。 And I went through this roller coaster, because after they stabilized her, she went to the intensive care unit, and I hoped against hope that sh
And then I hear, "Vulnerability TED!" I turn around, I go, "Hi." 然后我听到:“脆弱TED!” 我转过身,说:“嗨。” She's right here and she said, "You're the shame researcher who had the breakdown." 她就在这儿,然后她说:“你就是那个崩溃了的羞耻研
We have no idea why it works, no idea at all. 我们不知道,为什么它那么高效,根本不知道。 And the moment you step back from the God complex -- let's just try to have a bunch of stuff; 当你不再认为自己有万能神力——而是开始尝试一些东西; let's have
We learn these really bad lessons really well. 我们很早就得到这些错误信息。 And a lot of us -- and I suspect, especially a lot of us in this room 而我们,尤其是这个大厅里的许多人, deal with them by just becoming perfect little A s
Are you going to do that soon? 你会很快去做鉴定吗? Is there somebody that you can't...Well, I'm only one side. I'm only one side of the test. But I'm happy to participate. 你不能……我只是鉴定的一方。但是我很乐意进行鉴定。 Okay, those
And yeah, the black cloud faded a little bit, but so did all the work, because I was just floating along. 乌云似乎有点消散了,但工作也是,因为我如坠云中。 I couldn't care less if clients ever called. 我根本不在乎客户有没有与我联系。 And cli
For me they normally happen, these career crises, often, actually, on a Sunday evening, just as the sun is starting to set, 我经常对事业感到恐慌,周日下午,晚霞洒满天空, and the gap between my hopes for myself and the real
Now this brings us to our next pattern, which is body language. 这引出了下一个模式,那就是肢体语言。 With body language, here's what you've got to do. You've really got to just throw your assumptions out the door. 讲到肢体
What would you like for me to talk about? There's three big answers. 那你们想让我讲什么?有三个主要的答案。 This is mostly, to be honest with you, from the business sector: innovation, creativity and change. 这些老实讲,主要是来自
And we all kind of hate to admit it. 我们都不愿承认。 You know, we kind of wish we were better husbands, better wives, smarter, more powerful, taller, richer -- the list goes on. 我们希望自己能成为更好的丈夫,更好的妻子,变得更聪明,更有
And this is how it works. Gravity is more powerful where there's more stuff. 这就是它怎么运作的。重力场的作用力更大,拥有比较多的物质。 So where you get slightly denser areas, gravity starts compacting clouds of hydrogen and heli
And what do you say? You say, you say, "That's risky, kid. Might fail, kid. 然后你说什么?你说,你说,“嗯...那样比较不保险,孩子。有可能会失败,孩子。 Don't make a lot of money at that, kid. I don't know, kid, you should think about th
I've spent the last five years of my life thinking about situations exactly like this 过去的五年,我一直在思考刚刚我所描述的状况, why we sometimes misunderstand the signs around us, and how we behave when that happens, an
And if you don't find the highest expression of your talent, if you settle for "interesting," 而且如果你找不到你才能的最高表达,如果你在“有意思”这里止步不前, what the hell ever that means, do you know what will happen at the end o
So here's a great puzzle: in a universe ruled by the second law of thermodynamics, 所以,这就是个大谜团:在宇宙中,在被热力学第二定律规范下, how is it possible to generate the sort of complexity I've described, 怎么样才有可能产生这种我刚才论述的
I think we need to be teaching these skills to kids and adults at every stage of their development, 我认为我们应该向所有小孩和大人都教授这些技巧, if we want to have thinking organizations and a thinking society. 如果我们想要能够思考
I got the camera angle wrong. 我把相机角度弄错了。 That one is just amateur stuff, but what she was saying, as you could make out, was about neurons, with her hands were like that, 那是张业余作品,但是她说话的内容,你们能听得出来,是关于神
So the kids give me the words, right? I put it into a narrative, which means that this paper is written in kidspeak. 所以孩子们给了这些文字,我把他们改成了叙述文,也就是说这份报告是用孩子的口吻写的。 It's not written by me. It's written by A
So I was trying to figure all that out, and I felt a little confused, and I said so on my blog, 所以我一直都想弄清楚这是怎么一回事,我感到有些困惑,也有写在博客上。 and I said that I wanted to start a website for teenage girls that wa