President Obama urges the Senate to stand up for ordinary Americans and pass the DISCLOSE Act, a bipartisan bill passed by the House of Representatives which will require corporate political advertise
Building Skills for America’s Future Today, President Obama announced the launch of a new initiative Skills for America’s Future - an effort to improve industry partnerships with community colleges to
The President announces that he has accepted the resignation of General Stanley McChrystal, that he will nominate General David Petraeus to take over command of troops in Afghanistan, and that the Adm
With President Obama visiting troops in Afghanistan, Vice President Biden says Congress must extend both the middle class tax cuts and unemployment insurance for the sake of those families and the bro
The President praises Congress for passing a financial reform package that brings new accountability to Wall Street and helps provide economic security to individuals, families and businesses. 【Transc
President Obama holds a discussion on the economy with local families in the backyard of the Weithman family in Columbus, OH. 【Transcript】 THE PRESIDENT: Well, I am -- I'm just thrilled to be here. An
President Obama urges Congress to pass legislation that will help states avoid layoffs of emergency personnel and will save the jobs of 160,000 teachers across the nation in remarks from the Rose Gard
The President was joined at Yongsan Army Garrison in Seoul, South Korea by an estimated 1,400 base personnel and families and several hundred Korean vets. It was a unique and meaningful way to spend V
President Obama announces that the Department of Veterans Affairs, led by Secretary Shinseki, will begin making it easier for veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to receive the benefits and t
President Obama speaks about the link between higher education and economic prosperity and calls on the United States to lead the world in the percentage of college graduates in remarks at the Univers
President Obama introduces Jacob Lew as his nominee to become director of the Office of Management and Budget. The President praises Lew for his role in balancing the budget when he led OMB from 1998
The President thanks the military personnel who have helped respond to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill and praises the military’s role in confronting the challenges we face as a nation at an event at the N
President Obama speaks to the media after a Cabinet Meeting about the economy, national security and Iraq. The President also responds to a question about his upcoming meeting with General Stanley McC
The President explains his push for exporting American goods in Asia, and urges Congress to address earmarks as a signal of fiscal reform. This weekend, I’m concluding a trip to Asia whose purpose was
President Obama details the combined Federal response to the Deepwater BP Oil Spill and reassures residents that the region will bounce back and eventually return to normal after touring a staging fac
The President calls on Republicans in Congress to put scoring political points aside, and instead to focus on solving the problems facing the nation. At the time of this address, the Republican leader
President Obama holds a town hall meeting with Young African Leaders from over 50 countries about the future of Africa in an interconnected world and the role of the United States as a partner with Af
President Obama speaks to the AFL-CIO Executive Council Meeting about the need to pursue bold, new options for the economy rather than fall back to failed policies of the past. 【Transcript】 THE PRESID
On the 75th anniversary of Social Security, President Obama promises to protect it from Republican leaders in Congress who have made privatization a key part of their agenda. He makes clear that, espe
Vice President Joe Biden speaks on the end of combat operations in Iraq, the Administration’s commitment to Afghanistan, and our nation’s obligations to our veterans in remarks to the Veterans of Fore