Hi, everybody. For millions of Americans, this time of year holds great meaning. Earlier this week, we hosted a Passover Seder at the White House, and joined Jewish families around the world in their
Well, good morning, everyone. And for those who are joining us for the first time, welcome to Chicago. I was just hearing from a few folks who are not NATO members that they had fun on the town last n
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Please, have a seat. Thank you very much, Tom, for the gracious(亲切的,高尚的) introduction. I want to make a few other acknowledgments. To Tom Bell, the Chamber Board Pr
Ask yourselves -- where would we be right now if the people who sat here before us decided not to build our highways, not to build our bridges, our dams, our airports? What would this country be like
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. It is good to be back. (Applause.) It is good to be back. AUDIENCE MEMBER: It’s good to have you back! THE PRESIDENT: I’m glad. (Laughter.) And due to popu
Hi, everybody. I'm here on the factory floor of a business in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, where folks are working around the clock making toys to keep up with the Christmas rush. And I came here because,
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. As many people know, our current Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman, has decided to step down from his current job. During his tenure(任期,占有) , Jon has been an ou
Hi everybody, and Happy Fourth of July weekend. On Monday, Michelle, Malia, Sasha, and I will celebrate the Fourth like most of you - in the backyard. We'll hang out with family and friends, throw
Hi, folks. Joe Biden here and I'm sitting with Tim Lewis, a retired federal judge who was nominated to the bench by a Republican President and confirmed by a Democratic Senate - within four weeks
WASHINGTON – In his weekly address, President Obama laid out his plans to address(处理,应对) rising gas prices over the short and the long term. While there is no silver bullet to bring down prices
THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, and fellow Americans: Tonight we meet at an urgent time for our country. We continue to face an economic crisis that has left milli
Now, no one should have to pay a bribe to get a job or to get government to provide basic services. So as part of our development strategy, we’re emphasizing transparency, accountability, and a
I would add that much of this progress —- the speed with which our troops deployed this year, the increase in recruits -- in recruiting and training of Afghan forces, and the additional troops a
Hi, everybody. This week, I announced a series of concrete steps we should take to protect our children and our communities from gun violence. These proposals grew out of meetings Vice President Biden
Hi, everybody. As President, my top priority is rebuilding an economy where everybody who works hard has the chance to get ahead. That's what I'll spend some time talking about on Monday, at the White
Hello, everybody. This week, Americans across our country have shown what it means to be strong in the face of terrorism. In San Bernardino, even as the community continues to grieve, people are refus
We’ve also been trying to help our state and local governments so that they’re not having to lay off as many teachers and firefighters and police officers, and I know that -- I think the m
Hi, everybody. My top priority as President is doing everything I can to create more jobs and more opportunities for hardworking families to get ahead. On Friday, we learned that our economy created o
Hi, everybody. I hope you're all having a great Fourth of July weekend. I want to begin today by saying a special word to the U.S. Men's Soccer Team, who represented America so well the past few weeks
Over the past couple weeks I've been talking with folks across the country about how we're going to rebuild an economy where if you work hard, you and your family can get ahead. And right now, there's