THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Big Easy! (Applause.) Everybody, give it up for Nancy for that great introduction. (Applause.) It is good to be back in New Orleans. This is what passes for winter here in New Or
Thank you, everybody. (Applause.) All right. Well, thanks to myfriend, Lilly Ledbetter, not only for that introduction but for fighting for asimple principle: Equal pay for equalwork. It’s not that co
Good afternoon, everybody. As you know, this weekend, I traveled to Afghanistan to thank our men and women in uniform and our deployed civilians, on behalf of a grateful nation, for the extraordinary
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Happy Friday. I thought I’d take some questions, but first, let me say a few words about the economy. This morning, we learned that our economy created over 2
Thank you. (Applause.)Thank you so much. Thank you. And thank you, General Caslen, for that introduction. To General Trainor, General Clarke, the faculty and staff at West Point -- you have been outst
Good morning, everybody. (Applause.) Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. Please, please have a seat. Thank you so much. Well, good morning, everybody. Welcome to the White House andwelcome to o
Good evening, everybody. Please have a seat. On behalf of Michelle and myself, welcome to the White House. This city, this house, has welcomed foreign envoys and leaders for more than two centuries. B
Bill Gates: Congratulations, Class of 2014! Melinda and I are excited to be here. It would be a thrill for anyone to be invited to speak at a Stanford Commencement – but it’s especially gratifying for
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much. Thank you. Please be seated. Well, good afternoon, everybody. To Mayor Bloomberg, thank you -- not only for the kind introduction, but to Bloomberg Philanthropies as
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you so much. Hello, Estonia! Tere Eesti! Thank you, Oskar, for your wonderful introduction and for representing the talent and the energy and the optimism
Hello, CBC! (Applause.) Thank you so much. Everybody, have a seat. It is good to be with you here tonight. If it wasn’t black tie I would have worn my tan suit. (Laughter.) I thought it looked good. (
Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, fellow leaders: For all the immediate challenges that we gather to address this week – terrorism, instability, inequality, disease – there’s one issue that will d
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Milwaukee! (Applause.) Thank you! Oh, it’s good to be back in Milwaukee. Give Chris a big round of applause for that great introduction. (Applause.) Happy Labor Day, everybody. H
Mr. Secretary-General, thank you for bringing us together today to address an urgent threat to the people of West Africa, but also a potential threat to the world. Dr. Chan, heads of state and governm
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! (Applause.) Can everybody please give Lisbeth a big round of applause? That was a great introduction. (Applause.) Happy Halloween, everybody. I see a lot of you came a
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! Hello, Indiana! It’s good to be back close to home. Everybody have a seat, have a seat. Well, first of all, let me thank Henry and everybody for extending such a warm
Hello! Thank you so much. Thank you! (Applause.)Please, please have a seat. Thank you so much. First of all, can everybody please give Chionque a big round of applause for her great story? (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Have a seat. Today, I had a chance to speak with John Boehner and congratulated Mitch McConnell on becoming the next Senate Majority Leader. And I told them b
Merry Christmas, everybody! (Applause.) We saw this party going on out back and we thought we’d join you. I want to thank Secretary Jewell for not only the introduction but for all that you and everyb
Hello, Evanston! (Applause.) Hello, Northwestern! (Applause.) Thank you so much. Everybody, have a seat. Have a seat. It is so good to be here. Go ‘Cats! (Applause.) I want to thank your president, Mo