Now let's talk about costs. 现在让我们谈谈成本问题。 An energy-intensive version of this technology could cost you as much as $1,000 a ton just to capture it. Let's translate that. 如果仅仅为了捕获一吨二氧化碳而选择在该技术上投入大量能源,其花
In addition to those kinds of investments, we also need investments in research and development. 除了这些投资,我们还需要人们在研发项目中投资。 So what might that look like? 这意味着什么呢? In 1966, the US invested about a half a
But I want us to reflect a little bit again on negative emissions. 但是我想提醒大家再次对负排放进行反思。 Negative emissions should not be considered a silver bullet, 负排放不应该被当作是万全之策, but they may help us if we continue
Now, what would it take in terms of land area to do this, 200 plants? 那么要建造200个工厂,需要多少土地呢? It turns out that they would take up about half the land area of Vancouver. 事实上,它们将占据温哥华大约一半的土地面积。 That's if
So what I'm showing you here is what a system might look like to do just this. 我现在向你们展示的是一个具备这种功能的系统可能的样子。 This is called an air contactor. 它被称为空气接触器。 You can see it has to be really, really wide in o
Four hundred parts per million: that's the approximate concentration of CO2 in the air today. What does this even mean? 百万分之四百:这就是现在空气里二氧化碳大概的浓度。这意味着什么呢? For every 400 molecules of carbon dioxide, we
And now once you've captured the CO2, 在二氧化碳被捕获之后, you have to be able to recycle that material that you used to capture it, over and over again. 我们还需要能够循环使用用来捕获它的材料,持续不断进行捕获。 The scale of carbon captu
Switzerland-based Climeworks and US-based Global Thermostat use a different approach. 位于瑞士的Climeworks和位于美国的Global Thermostat使用的则是不同的方法。 They use solid materials for capture. Climeworks uses heat from
I want to step back, and I want to bring up the concept of negative emissions again. 我想退一步,再次提出负排放的概念。 Negative emissions require that the CO2 separated be permanently removed from the atmosphere fore