Life Is Not Perfect Go ahead with life as it is, with the bumps and pitfalls. However it is, give your best to every moment. Don't spend your time waiting for the perfect situation, something which is
How names are called in America People generally call each other by their first names much sooner in their acquaintance than people do in other walks of life.Taking that liberty too soon has closed ma
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day People in the United States honor their parents with two special days:Mother’s Day,on the second Sunday in May,and Father’s Day,on the third Sunday in June. Mother’s Day
编者按: 不要借口真爱难求而紧闭心扉。获得爱的最快途径是给予;失去爱的最快办法是握得过紧;维持爱的最好办法是给爱以双翅。 不要让生活的脚步过于匆忙以至忘记你过去的足迹和你今后的人生目标。 不要忘记人的最大情感需求是希望被欣赏。 Five balls in life by Brian Dyson Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling som
编者按: 我的存在有何意义?我也好,我的民族也好,我的世界也好,我们的存在能起什么作用呢? 我生命的旅程向何处延伸,这个问题真的重要吗?是谁主宰着整个宇宙,他在想些什么呢? I Do a Lot of Office Fishing Some years ago, I started to look at the stars through high-powered binoculars and b
编者按: 重要的不是你的能力,而是你的性格。 重要的不是你认识多少人,而是在你离开后,别人会认为是个永远的损失。 重要的不是你想念谁,而是爱你的人想念你。 重要的是别人会记你多长时间,谁记着你,为什么记着你。 WHAT WILL MATTER ? Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sun
Wedding custom around the world (4) Philippines1):A white silk cord is draped around the couple’s shoulders to indicate their union. A bell-shaped cage2) housing white doves(symbolizing peace)is a fav
Try to remember the good things When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, an
Words To Live By 生活的忠告 I’ll give you some advice about life. 给你生活的忠告 Eat more roughage; 多吃些粗粮; Do more than others expect you to do and do it pains; 给别人比他们期望的更多,并用心去做; Remember what life tells you; 熟记
Wedding custom around the world (7) Ukraine1):A mock2) capture of the bride is carried out at wedding receptions to remind everyone present of the many times their homeland was invaded. Instead of cak
How the Americans view love An old song says that“love makes the world go around.”If you watch Americans on Valentine’s Day1), you can believe it. The whole country breaks out with little red hearts.
Easter Eggs Most English holidays have a religious origin.Easter is originally the day to commemorate1) the Resurrection2) of Jesus Christ.But now for most people,Easter is a secular spring holiday,wh
我对圣诞节最深刻的记忆总是和一只小猫联系在一起。我第一次见到它是我出诊去给安斯沃思太太的一只狗看病。我有点惊奇地瞧着蹲在炉前的那个毛茸茸的黑色小生灵。“我还不知道你有只猫,”我说道。 The Yorkshire Christmas Cat My strongest memory of Christmas will always bound up with1) a certain little ca
索皮•史密斯是只24磅重的卷毛花兔。卷毛兔没有其他种类的兔子那种有防护作用的硬毛,它的毛轻软得像云彩。人们第一次触摸索皮时,个个都很惊讶,说它真软。我注意到它似乎使每一个见到它的人也变得温柔了些。 【听力原文】 The language of the Heart Soapy Smith is a twenty-four-pound calico1) rex2) rabbit.A rex
我作为“生活变化”项目顾问在科罗拉多州立大学兽医教学医院工作。我们向由于疾病、事故或安乐死而失去宠物的人提供心理咨询。 我曾有过一个50多岁, 名叫邦妮的来访者。她驱车一个半小时前来医院, 想知道是否有医生能为她14岁的纯种黑卷毛狗尽份力。那狗叫卡桑德拉, 爱称卡西。它已经萎靡不振了一个星期左右, 有时还像是神志不清。 【听力原文】 Soul to Soul I worked at the Col
编者按: “我是一面镜子的一块碎片,我不知道整面镜子的样式和形状。不过,我倾尽所有,能够把光线反射进这个世界漆黑的地方,反射进人们心灵的阴暗处,给他们带来某些改变。也许其他人看到后,也会仿效着做。这就是我之为我,这就是我人生的意义。” Shining Light in Dark Corners "Dr.Papaderos, what is the meaning of life?" The usu
British Pub Etiquette And Customs Visitors to Britain may find the best place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub. But these friendly hostelries1) can be minefields of potential gaffes2) f
8个月后, 邦妮再一次从俄怀明来到我们医院。这回, 与她同行的是头新养的健康小狗克莱德-一条9个月、充满活力与爱心的、与谍犬混种的猎狗。邦妮的生活又掀开了新的一页。 Soul to Soul I worked at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital as a counselor1) in the Changes P
Wedding custom around the world (8) Finland:Brides wear golden crowns. After the wedding, unmarried women dance in a circle around the blindfolded1) bride, waiting for her to place her crown on someon