Western titles and terms of address In the west,especially in Britain,status titles are associated with class distinctions――Lord Apley,Earl Bernard(‘Count ’is used in Western European countries).The B
【美文欣赏】 与陌生人交往是人生的必修课,是我们融入社会的桥梁。与陌生人谈话是口语交际中的一大难关,处理得好,可以一见如故,相见恨晚;处理得不好,又会导致尴尬难受。 On June 23, 1970, I had just been mustered out of the Army after completing my one-year tour of duty in Vietnam. I wa
为了使你的工作日一切顺利,试着有条不紊地安排工作:上午精力相对充沛时多做一些要求较高的工作;下午感动疲劳时做一些较轻松的工作。 试着听听音乐,这有助于你放松身心,例如听听海浪拍打岩石或鸟儿歌唱的声音。这些磁带市面上都有卖。如果你在工作中听音乐的话,最好使用耳机。 The time you spend at the office may be the most stressful part of y
【导语】 我们挑了只毛茸球似的爱玩的小灰猫。家里像是添了只跑得飞快的走鹃。她到处追逐想像中的老鼠和松鼠, 一眨眼的工夫就从桌子上跳到椅子上。所以我们管她叫“闪电”。 【英文原文】 Friends Twenty-one years ago, my husband gave me Sam, an eight-week-old schnauzer1), to help ease the loss of
编者按: 这时小男孩弯下腰,拉起左边的裤管,露出用以支撑双腿的金属支架。他抬头看看老板,轻声地说:“我自己也跑不快,这只小狗正好有个同病相怜的主人。” Puppies for sale A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the pups and set about nailing i
Halloween1) All Saints’ Day,which falls on 1st November,is regarded in the West as a festival.It was formerly a religious day and has been observed since the 4th century.31 st October,the night before
小时候,生活还没有带走所有的天真,爸爸常把我高高举起,跟妈妈和我跳舞,然后抱着我旋转直到我睡着。 All I ever dream Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence, my father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then
If you’ re invited to an American friend’s home for dinner,keep in mind1) these general rules for polite behavior.First of all,arrive approximately2) on time (but not early).Americans expect promptnes
编者按: 有时候,挣扎正是我们生活中所需要的。如果我们能得以毫无障碍地走过一生,这会使我们软弱。我们就不可能变得强壮。 Once upon a time in a land far far away, there was a wonderful old man who loved everything. Animals, spiders, insects... One day while walk
编者按: 在生活中,我们可以驾驶那些带来疾病、灾难、失败、失望的暴风雨.我们可以翱翔在暴风雨之上。 请记住,把你压垮的不是生活中的重担,而是你的态度。 Eagle in a Storm Did you know that an eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? The eagle will fly to s
编者按: 简尼特从她的打字机里抽出纸,紧张地看了看手表。差不多到时间了。从里面的办公室传来她的老板准备离开的声音。门一开一关的声音。给他做了8年的秘书,她很熟悉这些声音。 Double Cross Janet pulled the page from her typewriter and looked nervously at her wrist-watch.It was almost time.
编者按: 兰迪·波许(Randy Pausch)是曾经感动过无数人的《真正实现你的童年梦想》的演讲人。这里推荐的内容是他在其母校卡内基梅隆大学毕业典礼上的演讲。这篇演讲只有6分钟左右,而且风格和之前的那篇很不同。在这篇演讲里,他少了些幽默,却多了些真诚的忠告。相信大家看后一定会受益匪浅。 Randy Pausch Inspires Graduates September 18, 2007 I am
编者按: 萨拉跑进来。"看,我发现了什么。"我正在看报,一条卷长的有点支离破碎的东西出现在报纸上,把我吓得跳了起来。那是一条蛇的蜕皮,我们的花园里有很多蛇。 "它难道不漂亮吗?"我那7岁的小女儿眨着她的大眼睛问道。 Peeling Away Artifice For the Pure Original Sarah came running in."Look what I found." Over
我的前公爵夫人墙上的这幅面是我的前公爵夫人,看起来就像她活着一样。 如今,我称它为奇迹:潘道夫师的手笔经一日忙碌,从此她就在此站立。 Robert Browning: My Last Duchess That's my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call That piece a
【英文原文】 Yousuf Kansh: In Search of Greatness Yousuf Karsh,the Canadian portrait artist who photographed many of the most influential figures of the 20 th century,died in a Boston hospital on July 13,20
编者按: 尽管我因为当时年幼而无法记清双亲共聚的时刻,我还是听说他俩曾度过烛光闪闪、乐声缭绕的浪漫夜晚。 Hepburn, the Wife Although too young to remember my parents together, I was told of romantic evenings, of candle light and soft music. Anyway, no o
【英文原文】 Dog and Cat It is reported that the following addition to the Book of Genesis of the Bible was discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls.If authentic,it would shed light on the question,“Where did pet
【英文原文】 Marty Had a Little Lamb It was lambing season.The neighbors’ phone call brought my dad and me rushing to their barn1) to help with a difficult delivery.We found a lamb whose mother had died whi
【英文原文】 Freeman:Australian Heroine At 16 years of age Freeman won gold at the Commonwealth Games as part of the 4×100m relay team.In 1990she was awarded Young Australian of the Year,and Aboriginal Athl
编者按: 从我头一次见到他起,他便总是出现在我的周围。每次他向我投以微笑时,他同时也将一丝丝的温暖和友情送入我的心房。我想每一天结束时,一定是他给了我无论如何也要继续下去的力量。 About A Friend He wasn't a guy of big words1),and he seemed to live entirely in his own world.I remember that