Requiring scholars and commencement speakers, for that matter 因此 要求学者和毕业典礼发言者 to conform to certain political standards 遵循特定政治标准 undermines the whole purpose of a university 会侵蚀整个大学的存在意义 This spring 今
Do you think it's possible to control someone's attention? 你们觉得人的注意力是可控制的吗? Even more than that, 或者更进一步, what about predicting human behavior? 人的行为可预知吗? I think those are interesting ideas, if
People love their automobiles. They allow us to go where we want to when we want to. They're a form of entertainment, they're a form of art, a pride of ownership. Songs are written about cars.
And it is that union of values that the 正是这两大价值的结合 terrorists who attacked us on September 11th, 2001 让2001年9月11日及2013年4月15日 and on April 15th, 2013 found most threatening 袭击我们的恐怖分子感到恐惧 To them, we we
I'm sure all of today's graduates have read 我敢肯定 今天毕业的学生肯定都读过 John Stuart Mill's On Liberty 约翰.斯图尔特.密尔的《论自由》 But just let me read a short passage from it 请允许我将其中的一小段读给大家听 "The peculia
In the 2012 presidential race, according to Federal Election Commission data 96 percent of all campaign contributions from Ivy League faculty and employees 2年总统选举中 根据联邦选举委员会数据 常春藤盟校教职员工有96%的捐赠 went to
This painting is big for a reason 这幅画有一个很了不起的地方 It's called "High Visibility" 它叫"高可见性" It's about picking up the light and daring to be seen 它的主题是接收光芒 勇于被看到 I worked on thi
This would put a pipeline to take natural gas 将设置天然气运输管线 from the Beaufort Sea through the heart 从波弗特海穿越 of the third largest watershed basin in the world, 世上第三大水域中心 and the only one which is 95 perce
There is no straight path from your seat today to where you are going 从你们所坐的地方到你们要去的地方 是没有直路的 Don't try to draw that line. You will not just get it wrong 不要尝试画这样的直线 这不仅会出错 You'll miss big oppo
but it's the only way we can improve 但我们只能在批评中进步 A few years ago, Mark Zuckerberg decided he wanted to learn Chinese 几年前 马克·扎克伯格决定要学中文 and in order to practice 为了练习 he started trying to have work
Dr. Ma Thida, a leading human rights activist 马提达博士,一位人活跃的权运动领袖 who had nearly died in prison 曾经几乎丧命于狱中 and had spent many years in solitary confinement, 并在单独禁锢中度过多年, told me she was grateful to her j
公众人物毕业英语演讲第3期:雪莉桑德伯格哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲 when a staff member informed me very firmly 结果一位员工很肯定地告诉我 that the ladies' room was over there 女卫生间在那里 and I should be sure not to go up stairs 我务必不要上楼去 because wome
And they went on and on, 他们滔滔不绝地说着, and the soldier watched, 而那名士兵看着他们, and then he sat there for a full minute 知道他们说完了之后, after they were finished 他坐在那里待了整整一分钟, and looked at us so bedraggled in the
And the Athabasca River drains downstream 阿萨帕斯卡尔河下游 to a range of Aboriginal communities. 即原住民聚集地 In Fort Chippewa, the 800 people there, 奇普怀恩堡有800位居民 are finding toxins in the food chain, 食物链中含有毒性物质
This is one of the reasons why Canada, 这就是为何加拿大 originally a climate change hero -- 它原本是环保英雄- we were one of the first signatories of the Kyoto Accord. 我们是第一批签署京都议定书的国家之一 Now we're the country tha
The world's largest and most devastating 世上最大、最具破坏性的 environmental and industrial project 环境及工业计划 is situated in the heart 发生于 of the largest and most intact forest in the world, 世上最大、保存最完整的森林当中 C
We cannot bear a pointless torment, 我们不能承担无谓的痛苦, but we can endure great pain 但如果我们认定它是有意义的, if we believe that it's purposeful. 我们就能忍受巨大的痛苦。 Ease makes less of an impression on us 安逸比起挣扎并不会对 than
I am elated and truly, truly, truly excited to be 我很高兴 也非常非常非常激动 present and fully connected to you at this important moment in your journey 能够到场 出席大家人生旅程中的这一重要时刻 I want to thank the Trustees, Adminis
Thank you, Katie 感谢凯蒂 and thank you to President Faust, the Fellows of Harvard College, the Board of Overseers 感谢佛斯特校长 哈佛大学部成员 监事会 and all the faculty, alumni, and students who have welcomed me back t
For the West (in general), and the United States in particular,the crisis was an internally generated event, which led to the collapse of the financial system. For China, it was an external shock whic