David Kwong在Ted英语演讲:两个书呆子相遇能造就奇迹(中英双语+) Puzzles and magic. I work in what most people think are two distinct fields, but I believe they are the same. I am both a magician and a New York Times crosswor
I do not know if you have noticed, but there's been a spate of books that have come out lately contemplating or speculating on the cognition and emotional life of dogs. Do they think, do they feel and
I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college. And this is the closest I've ever gotten to a c
37. John McCain's Concession Speech 37. 麦凯恩败选演讲 My friends, we have---we have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly. 我的朋友们,我们已经,已经走完了这次漫长的旅程。
美国大学的毕业演讲大都是些成功人士给毕业生人生建议的机会。2012年哈佛大学的class day请来喜剧明星andy samberg演讲。他采取了别样的套路。他认为自己不配给哈佛毕业生建议。于是讲了一堆的笑话,你可能从中很难看到励志的东西,但是他还是想说:每个挑战都是成功的机会。 so, without further ado, our 2012 class day guest speaker a
I've always had a fascination for computers and technology, and I made a few apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. I'd like to share a couple with you today. 我一直都对计算机与科技很入迷, 我研制了一些适用于Iphone, iTou
Ryan Holladay:To Hear This Music you have to be there literally 莱恩·哈雷德: 想听音乐,一定要亲临现场! 音乐产业常常在数码时代举步维艰。在这个有趣的演讲中,Ryan Holladay告诉我们,他为什么要尝试他所说的“位置感知型音乐”。完成这个编程和音乐上的壮举需要上百个地理标记过的音乐片段,而
乔·科望: 我如何战胜怯场 Joe Kowan:How I Beat Stage Fright 人类那精准的恐惧感曾在远古时期大有裨益,帮助人们集中注意力避免被野兽吃掉。但是,当你在周二晚上“麦克风开放日”站在20个乡村音乐爱好者面前准备表演时,这种自发控制了整个身体的恐惧感就不是什麽好事了。手心出汗,手掌颤抖,视线模糊,大脑在大叫“快跑&rdqu
13. Philippine President in Shanghai World Expo TV Speech 13. 菲律宾总统在上海世博会的电视致辞 Greetings from the Philippines! 来自菲律宾热情地问候! The Philippines is proud and honored to participate in the Shanghai Expo. 我嫩很
Jeff Bridges(杰夫·布里奇斯)不负众望,凭借在影片《疯狂的心》中的精湛演技拿下最佳男主角,高龄封帝。从凯特·温丝莱特手中接过奖项后,他)激动得很久都说不出话,只是挥着小金人发生喜悦的欢呼。 感谢学院成员,感谢我的父母,把我带上演艺道路。他们对娱乐界有独特的热爱,我还记得当年母亲把我带到圈内派对上,记得当年父亲教我最基本的表演技巧。我今天的表现是对他们的延伸,
南非首位黑人总统和反种族隔离偶像纳尔逊・曼德拉于当地时间5日去世,享年95岁。英国首相卡梅伦发表电视讲话悼念曼德拉。 英语演讲稿: Tonight, one of the brightest lights of our world has gone out. Nelson Mandela wasn’t just a hero of our time, but a hero of all
12月21日下午3点14分35秒,北京时间的“世界末日”来了!为什么什么都没有发生?而在此之前,澳大利亚总理吉拉德在一网站上宣称世界末日就要降临,希望她与澳大利亚人民战斗到最后。确为吉拉德本人,但是实际上只是一段恶搞。 My dear remaining fellow Australians, the end of the world is coming. 我亲爱的仍然还活
Pico Iyer在Ted英语演讲:Where is Home?家在何方?(中英双语) Where do you come from? It's such a simple question, but these days, of course, simple questions bring ever more complicated answers. 你从哪里来? 这是一个很简单的问题, 但是现
14. Yasser Arafat in 1994 Received the Nobel Peace Prize Speech 14. 阿拉法特1994年接受诺贝尔和平奖的演讲 Your Majesties, 哈拉尔德国王隆下,索尼娅王后隆下, Chairman of Nobel Prize, 诺贝尔委员会主席希杰斯特德教授, Ladies and Gentlemen, 女士们,先生们: Sinc
Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit 成功的钥匙?毅力 What struck me was that I.Q. was not the only difference between my best and my worst students. Some of my strongest performers did not have str