(注:文稿和音频部分仅提供ellen演讲内容,暂无中校长和ellen对话内容) Stay True to Yourself——Ellen DeGeneres 做真正的自己——美国著名脱口秀主持人艾伦·德詹尼丝 Thank you, President Cowan, Mrs. President Cowen; distinguished
41. Chasing Your Ambitious Dreams 41. 追逐远大的梦想 I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. I know that sounds completely nuts. But, since no one else is crazy enough to do it,
每天读一点英文之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 07:Tear Down This Wall 罗纳德·威尔逊·里根:拆掉这堵墙吧 Thank you. Thank you, very much. Chancellor Kohl, Governing Mayor Diepgen, ladies and gentlemen: Twenty four years ago, Pres
奥巴马每周演讲2013-06-29:Confronting the Growing Threat of Climate Change 中英对照演讲稿 奥巴马在例行的周六演说中告诉美国人民,他几天前推出以应对日益严重的气候变化威胁问题的计划。他的计划将减少碳污染,保护我们的国家,免遭气候变化的影响,并引领世界在气候变化灾害中协调一致。 Hi everybody. A few days ago, I
43. The Art of Leadership 43. 领导的艺术 I've been asked a lot since if there are any lessons I've learned about character and leadership. There are three lessons, I think that I have learned, that continu
每天读一点英文 之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 28 Socrates’Defense 苏格拉底:申辩 Men of Athens, this reputation of mine has come of a certain sort of wisdom which I possess. If you ask me what kind of wisdom, I reply, such wi
38. 2006 FIFA World Cup Openning Ceremony Address 38. 2006年世界杯开幕国际足联主席约瑟夫.布拉特致辞 Welcome to the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany. 2006德国世界杯欢迎你。 Seventeen years after the fall of the Berlin wall, a reunified
Eddi Reader Sings Kiteflyer's Hill 艾迪·瑞德演唱“风筝山” This is about a place in London called Kiteflyer's Hill where I used to go and spend hours going "When is he coming back
Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend 如何让压力成为朋友 I have a confession to make, but first, I want you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, I want you to just raise your hand 我要坦
Renata Salecl在Ted英语演讲:我们不健康地痴迷于选择(中英双语+) When I was preparing for this talk, I went to search for a couple of quotes that I can share with you. Good news: I found three that I particularly liked, the
23. Commencement Address by Hilary Clinton at New York University 23. 希拉里在纽约大学毕业典礼的演讲 As Secretary of State, I am well aware of the challenges that we face, You, as new graduates, and your generation
President Bush Attends North Atlantic Council Summit Meeting THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Secretary General, President Basescu, thank you all very much. For nearly six decades the NATO Alliance has been the ho
奥巴马就“康涅狄格州校园枪击案”发表电视演讲中英字幕完整版及双语演讲稿, 这是奥巴马大选获胜落泪后,第二次哽咽落泪。他说:这些遭遇不幸的“乡亲”也可能是我们自己,所以我们必须不受政治分歧左右,走到一起,采取有意义的行动,以防止更多悲剧重演。 Text of President Barack Obama's address to the nation
这是奥巴马在宾夕法尼亚州费城发表的演讲,也是他在参选以后第一次就种族问题发表公开演讲。2008年初的初选过程中,奥巴马皈依的芝加哥圣三位一体联合基督教教会牧师赖特以前在布道时发表的一些仇恨白人和反美的激情演讲片段被媒体公布,全国顿时一片哗然,奥巴马顿时陷入严重的信任危机。3月18日,奥巴马在费城美国宪法中心发表了此篇深入探讨美国种族问题的演讲,获得好评如潮,成功地走出了信任危机 A More Pe
坦然面对逆境,因为逆境中潜藏着机会,逆境让潜力更好的发掘,那些负面词汇,足以毁掉一个人。不幸是人生带给你的一场历险和机会。每个人都是强大的,在面对逆境时我们可以不用一味的去克服,坦然面对、接受,或许你会发现这所谓的逆境根本不值一提。 Aimee Mullins: The opportunity of adversity 英语演讲稿: I'd like to share with you a dis
4. Gettysburg Address 4. 林肯葛底斯堡演讲 Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are crea