And so it is everywhere one looks. 这一现象在世界各地都在发生。 The human juggernaut is permanently eroding Earth's ancient biosphere by a combination of forces that can be summarized by the acronym HIPPO, the
Soon we will be in a position to go forth in the field with sequencers on our backs to hunt bacteria in tiny crevices of the habitat's surface,in the way you go watching for birds with binoculars.
And let us call it the Encyclopedia of Life. 不妨将此项目称为生命百科。 What is the Encyclopedia of Life? A concept that has already taken hold and is beginning to spread and be looked at seriously? 生命百科的概念已经得到人们的
In so doing, I reached a frontier of biology so strange, so rich,that it seemed as though it exists on another planet. 通过这样的方式,我来到一个非常古怪却又非常丰富的生物学领域,简直就像降临到别的星球一样。 In fact, we live on a mostly unexplo
I have all my life wondered what mind-boggling meant. 我整整一生都在想,mind-boggling(令人难以置信的)到底是指什么。 After two days here, I declare myself boggled, and enormously impressed,and feel that you are one of the gr
In so doing, I reached a frontier of biology so strange, so rich,that it seemed as though it exists on another planet. 通过这样的方式,我来到一个非常古怪却又非常丰富的生物学领域,简直就像降临到别的星球一样。 In fact, we live on a mostly unexplo
We are living on a planet with a lot of activities, with reference to our living environment,done by faith and guess alone. 我们对于这个地球上所发生的许多现象,都只是通过信念或猜测来认知。 Our lives depend upon these creatures. 我们的生