At this moment you could be anywhere, doing anything.Instead you sit alone before a screen. 此刻,你本可以在任何地方做任何事,但你却独自坐在屏幕前。 So what'sstopping us from doing what we want? Being where we want to be? 究竟是什么在
We've become disconnected. Idolizing people we've never met. 人们的隔阂越来越深,以至于把从未见过的人当做偶像。 We witness the extraordinary on screens but ordinary everywhere else. 我们见证着屏幕里的伟大事迹,却在自己的生活中处处平凡。 We wait for som
If you live in America there's a 41% chance you'll get cancer. 如果住在美国,你将有41%的几率患上癌症。 Heart disease will kill one out of three Americans. 每三个美国人中就有一人将死于心脏病。 We take prescription drugs to deal with thes