Congratulations, class of 2015. 恭喜你们,2015届的毕业生。 You guys and gals and young men and women are the reason I'm here. 正是因为你们这些少男少女们,我才来到了这里。 I'm really looking forward to talking with ya'll tonight. 我真的很
These are the choices I'm talking about and this is the beauty of delayed gratification. 这些就是我所谈的选择,这就是延迟享乐的好处。 Tee yourself up. Do yourself a favor. 做好准备,帮助自己。 Make the choices, the purchases today t
No. 2: "Unbelievable" is the stupidest word in the dictionary. 第二点:“难以置信”是字典里最愚蠢的单词。 It shouldn't ever come out of our mouths. Think about it. 这个词永远都不应该从你们的嘴里说出来。想想看。 To say, "Oh wow what an unbelieva
No. 8: Make voluntary obligations. 第八点:履行自愿义务。 All right, mom and dad, since we were young, they teach us things as children. 好吧,自打我们小时候起,妈妈和爸爸就教我们东西。 Teachers, mentors, the government, and laws, 老师、导
No. 11: Turn the page. 第十一点:翻页。 The late, great University of Texas football coach Daryl Royal, I don't know if you remember him. 已故的、伟大的得克萨斯大学橄榄球教练达里尔·罗伊尔,我不知道你们是否记得他, He won a national championship
No. 12: Give your obstacles credit. 第十二点:要承认挫折的价值。 You know those No Fear T-shirts that were out. 你们知道那些印有“无畏”的T恤衫吗?已经过时了。 I don't know maybe somewhere continue to go. 我不知道是不是有些地方还在流行。 No Fear? Anybod