
Good morning, everybody. I’d like to get started. Let me begin by thanking all of you for your participation last night. I thought it was a very important discussion.

大家早上好。会议现在开始。首先感谢诸位参加昨晚的活动,我认为那是一场非常 重要的讨论。

Before I begin, I want to take this moment once again to acknowledge the terrible tragedy that struck the Polish people this weekend. We are joined today by a distinguished delegation from Poland, led by Ambassador Kupiecki. Mr. Ambassador, all of us were shocked and deeply saddened by the devastating loss of President Kaczynski, the First Lady, and so many distinguished civilian and military leaders from your country. This was a loss, not just for Poland, but for the world.

在开始之前,我想利用这一时刻对上周末发生的悲惨罢工事件,向波兰人民 表示深深的问候。今天,由库比埃基大使带领的尊贵的波兰代表团也参加了此次会 议。大使先生,贵国失去了卡钦斯基总统、第一夫人和如此众多的军政领导人,我 们大家都为这一灾难性损失而深感震惊和哀伤。这不仅是波兰的损失,也是世界的 损失。

As a close friend and ally, the United States stands with Poland and Poles everywhere in these very difficult days. As an international community, I know that we will all rally around the Polish people, who have shown extraordinary strength and resilience throughout their history. So our hearts go out to your people. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. We join them in this time of mourning. And so, if everybody is agreeable, I would like to ask for a moment of silence to show that solidarity and to honor those who were lost‘(Pause for moment of silence.)

在这些异常艰难的日子里,作为亲密的盟友,美国与波兰以及全世界的波兰 人站在一起。作为国际共同体,我知道我们大家都会团结在波兰人民的周围,波兰人民在其整个历史中一直显示出非凡的力量和坚韧的精神。我们对贵国人民充满同 情。我们的思念和祈祷与他们同在。在这一时刻我们与他们共同哀悼。因此,如果大 家都同意的话,我想提议大家默哀片刻,以表示我们团结一致,缅怀那些遇难者。

Thank you. It is my privilege to welcome you to Washington and to formally convene this historic summit. We represent 47 nations from every region of the world, and I thank each of you for being here. This is an unprecedented gathering to address an unprecedented threat.

谢谢。欢迎你们来到华盛顿参加这次正式举行的历史性峰会,对此我感到非常 荣幸。我们代表了来自世界各地区的47个国家,感谢你们每一个人的光临。这是一 次史无前例的会议,我们聚集在此是为了应对前所未有的威胁。

Two decades after the end of the Cold War, we face a cruel irony of history— the risk of a nuclear confrontation between nations has gone down, but the risk of nuclear attack has gone up.

在冷战结束20年后,我们面对一个残酷讽刺的历史——国家之间发生核对抗的 风险下降了,但核攻击的危险却上升了。

Nuclear materials that could be sold or stolen and fashioned into a nuclear weapon exist in dozens of nations. Just the smallest amount of plutonium~about the size of an apple~could kill and injure hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Terrorist networks such as al Qaeda have tried to acquire the material for a nuclear weapon, and if they ever succeeded, they would surely use it. Were they to do so, it would be a catastrophe for the world~causing extraordinary loss of life, and striking a major blow to global peace and stability.

数十个国家拥有可被出售、盗窃和制成核武器的核材料。即使是最少量的 钚——约一个苹果大小——也可能导致数十万无辜者死伤。诸如“基地”组织之类 的恐怖份子网络企图获取制造核武器的材料,他们一旦得逞,毫无疑问会使用这种默哀。如果他们这样做,将导致世界性的大灾难,造成生命的空前损失,使世界和 平与稳定遭受重大的打击。

In short, it is increasingly clear that the danger of nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats to global security~to our collective security.

简言之,人们越来越清楚地认识到,核恐怖主义危险是全球安全和我们集体安 全最大的威胁之一。

And that’s why, one year ago today in—one year ago in Prague, I called for a new international effort to secure all vulnerable nuclear materials around the world in four years. This is one part of a broader, comprehensive agenda that the United States is pursuing~including reducing our nuclear arsenal and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons—an agenda that will bring us closer to our ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

正因为如此,一年前的今天——年前在布拉格,我呼吁国际社会用四年的时间致力于确保全球各地所有易受攻击的核材料的安全。这是美国正在寻求的、包 括削减我们的核库存和制止核武器扩散在内的、更广泛更全面的议程的一个组成部 分。该议程,会让我们更接近我们的终极目标一没有核武器的世界。

Over the past year, we’ve made progress. At the United Nations Security Council last fall, we unanimously passed Resolution 1887 endorsing this comprehensive agenda, including the goal of securing all nuclear materials. Last night, in closed session, I believe we made further progress, pursuing a shared understanding of the grave threat to our people.

在过去的一年中我们巳经取得了进展。去年秋天,在联合国安理会上我们全 体一致通过了第1887号决议,支持这一综合性议程,包括保证全部核材料安全的目 标。在昨晚的非公开会议中,我们向前又迈进了一大步。对于我们面临的威胁,我 们达成了共识。

And today, we have the opportunity to take the next steps.


We have the opportunity, as individual nations, to take specific and concrete actions to secure the nuclear materials in our countries and to prevent illicit trafficking and smuggling. That will be our focus this morning.

世界各国都有机会采取具体的行动来保障其国内核材料的安全,防止非法交易 和走私,这将是我们今天上午讨论的重点。

We have the opportunity to strengthen the International Atomic Energy Agency, the IAEA, with the resources and authorities it needs to meet its responsibilities. That will be our focus at our working lunch.

我们有机会加强国际原子能机构(IAEA)需要的更多资源和权力,以履行其职 责。这将是我们工作午餐的重点。

We have the opportunity, as an international community, to deepen our cooperation and to strengthen the institutions and partnerships that help prevent nuclear materials from ever falling into the hands of terrorists. And that will be our focus this afternoon.

作为一个国际社区,我们有机会加深我们之间的合作并强化各种机制和伙伴关 系,以防止核材料落人恐怖分子之手,这将是我们今天下午讨论的重点。

And we have the opportunity, as partners, to ensure that our progress is not a fleeting moment, but part of a serious and sustained effort. And that’s why I am so pleased to announce that President Lee has agreed to host the next Nuclear Security Summit in the Republic of Korea in two years. This reflects South Korea’s leadership, regionally and globally, and I thank President Lee and the South Korean people for their willingness to accept this responsibility.

作为合作伙伴,我们都有机会参与,以确保我们所取得的进步不是昙花一现, 而是一项认真、持久的努力的一部分。因此,我很高兴地宣布,李总统同意将主持 两年后下一届在韩国召开的核安全峰会。这个承诺反映了韩国在地区和全球事务中 所发挥的领导作用。我感谢李总统和韩国人民乐于承担这项责任。

So today is an opportunity~not simply to talk, but to act. Not simply to make pledges,but to make real progress on the security of our people. All this, in turn, requires something else, which is something more fundamental. It will require a new mindset^that we summon the will, as nations and as partners, to do what this moment in history demands.

因此,今天是一个机会,不仅仅是一个讨论的机会,还是一个行动的机会。 不只是作出承诺,还要在确保我们各国人民的安全方面取得切实进展。而所有这一切反过来又对我们提出了另一项要求,一项根本的要求。这要求我们有一种新的心 态—作为国家,作为伙伴,我们响应这一历史时刻的召唤。

I believe strongly that the problems of the 21st century cannot be solved by any one nation acting in isolation. They must be solved by all of us coming together.

我深信,21世纪的许多问题是不可能由任何一个国家单独解决的,我们必须齐 心合力才能解决问题。

At the dawn of the nuclear age that he helped to unleash, Albert Einstein said: “Now everything has changed.” And he warned: “We are drifting towards a catastrophe beyond comparison. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.”

在阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦帮助开创的核时代到来之际,他说:“现在,一切都改变 了_•”。他还警告我们说:“我们正在向一场无法比拟的灾难滑落。如果人类要 生存下去,我们将需要一种近乎全新的思维方式”。

That truth endures today. For the sake of our common security, for the sake of our survival, we cannot drift. We need a new manner of thinking~and action. That is the challenge before us. And I thank all of you for being here to confront that challenge together, in partnership.

今天,这一真理仍然有意义。为了我们的共同安全,为了我们的继续生存, 我们不能再滑落了,我们需要新的思维方式,然后付诸行动。这就是我们面临的挑 战。我感谢各位作为合作伙伴来到这里,共同应对这一挑战。


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