TED演讲之身体语言 互联网可能会崩溃,怎么办?(8)
WordPress数据库错误: [Got error 28 from storage engine]
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.*, yarpp.score
FROM wp_posts join wp_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on wp_posts.ID = yarpp.ID
WHERE 1=1 AND yarpp.score >= 1 and yarpp.reference_ID = 90430 AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post'
ORDER BY score DESC, wp_posts.ID ASC
limit 10
But people won’t decide to do it until they recognize the need for it, and that’s the problem that we have right now.
So there’s been plenty of people, plenty of us have been quietly arguing that we should have this independent system for years,
but it’s very hard to get people focused on plan B when plan A seems to be working so well.
So I think that, if people understand how much we’re starting to depend on the Internet,
and how vulnerable it is, we could get focused on just wanting this other system to exist,
and I think if enough people say, “Yeah, I would like to use it, I’d like to have such a system,” then it will get built.
It’s not that hard a problem. It could definitely be done by people in this room.
And so I think that this is actually, of all the problems you’re going to hear about at the conference,
this is probably one of the very easiest to fix. So I’m happy to get a chance to tell you about it.
Thank you very much.
在1970年代和1980年代,互联网充满了慷慨的精神,那时互联网用户数量少,而且相距遥远。但如今,网络无处不在,它将数以十亿的用户、机器和重要的基础设施紧紧的联结在一起。让让我们非常容易受到网络攻击或崩溃。互联网先锋Danny Hillis认为互联网不是为这样的规模设计的,为我们吹响了设计B计划的号角:一个在互联网失效或者崩溃时可以运作的并行系统。