TED演讲之身体语言 互联网可能会崩溃,怎么办?(7)
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SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS wp_posts.*, yarpp.score
FROM wp_posts join wp_yarpp_related_cache as yarpp on wp_posts.ID = yarpp.ID
WHERE 1=1 AND yarpp.score >= 1 and yarpp.reference_ID = 90600 AND wp_posts.post_type = 'post'
ORDER BY score DESC, wp_posts.ID ASC
limit 10
And the problem with it is, I think we are setting ourselves up for a kind of disaster like the disaster we had in the financial system,
where we take a system that’s basically built on trust, was basically built for a smaller-scale system,
and we’ve kind of expanded it way beyond the limits of how it was meant to operate.
And so right now, I think it’s literally true that we don’t know what the consequences of an effective denial-of-service attack on the Internet would be,
and whatever it would be is going to be worse next year, and worse next year, and so on.
But so what we need is a plan B. There is no plan B right now.
There’s no clear backup system that we’ve very carefully kept to be independent of the Internet, made out of completely different sets of building blocks.
So what we need is something that doesn’t necessarily have to have the performance of the Internet,
but the police department has to be able to call up the fire department even without the Internet, or the hospitals have to order fuel oil.
This doesn’t need to be a multi-billion-dollar government project.
It’s actually relatively simple to do, technically,
because it can use existing fibers that are in the ground, existing wireless infrastructure.
It’s basically a matter of deciding to do it.
在1970年代和1980年代,互联网充满了慷慨的精神,那时互联网用户数量少,而且相距遥远。但如今,网络无处不在,它将数以十亿的用户、机器和重要的基础设施紧紧的联结在一起。让让我们非常容易受到网络攻击或崩溃。互联网先锋Danny Hillis认为互联网不是为这样的规模设计的,为我们吹响了设计B计划的号角:一个在互联网失效或者崩溃时可以运作的并行系统。