TED演讲之入门 肢体语言塑造你自己(13)
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So at the end of my first year at Harvard, a student who had not talked in class the entire semester, who I had said,
“Look, you’ve gotta participate or else you’re going to fail,” came into my office.
I really didn’t know her at all. She came in totally defeated, and she said, “I’m not supposed to be here.”
And that was the moment for me. Because two things happened.
One was that I realized, oh my gosh, I don’t feel like that anymore.
I don’t feel that anymore, but she does, and I get that feeling.
And the second was, she is supposed to be here! Like, she can fake it, she can become it.
第二个则是,她应该在这里! 她可以假装,一直到她成功为止。
So I was like, “Yes, you are! You are supposed to be here!
所以我跟她说,“你当然应该! 你应该在这里!”
And tomorrow you’re going to fake it, you’re going to make yourself powerful, and, you know…
And you’re going to go into the classroom, and you are going to give the best comment ever.”
You know? And she gave the best comment ever, and people turned around and were like, oh my God, I didn’t even notice her sitting there.
She comes back to me months later, and I realized that she had not just faked it till she made it,
she had actually faked it till she became it. So she had changed.
And so I want to say to you, don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it.
Do it enough until you actually become it and internalize.
The last thing I’m going to leave you with is this.
Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes. So, this is two minutes. Two minutes, two minutes, two minutes.
Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for two minutes,
try doing this, in the elevator, in a bathroom stall, at your desk behind closed doors. That’s what you want to do.
Configure your brain to cope the best in that situation.
Get your testosterone up. Get your cortisol down.
Don’t leave that situation feeling like, oh, I didn’t show them who I am.
Leave that situation feeling like, I really feel like I got to say who I am and show who I am.
So I want to ask you first, you know, both to try power posing, and also I want to ask you to share the science, because this is simple.
I don’t have ego involved in this. Give it away.
Share it with people, because the people who can use it the most are the ones with no resources and no technology and no status and no power.
Give it to them because they can do it in private.
They need their bodies, privacy and two minutes, and it can significantly change the outcomes of their life. Thank you.
肢体语言影响着他人对我们的看法,但同时它也影响着我们对自己的看法。社会心理学家Amy Cuddy表示“有力的姿势”–以一个自信的方式站着,即使我们不感到自信–他们也能够影响我们脑内的睾丸酮和可的松含量,甚至可以爆发性地推动我们成功的机会。