Because even though the America was a diverse land of opportunity, the monster wanted to build a big giant wall.
A wall? A wall to keep out boys and girls from far away lands like Mexico. Even Mexico? Especially Mexico. For the monster didn’t care for anybody who wasn’t like him.
Not Mexicans, not the kingdom’s black president, not even Rosie O’Donnell. The comedian Rosie O’Donnell? But why? Because James, she’s a LADY.
不关心墨西哥人,不关心国家的黑人总统,甚至Rosie O’Donnell。喜剧演员Rosie O’Donnell?为什么?James,因为她是个女的啊。
And since the orange monster’s so cruel to so many ladies, the stakes in this 2016 presidential election were very very high. But if any future monster wanted to say that boys and girls aren’t equal.
Americans would know that the lady, with beige trousers suit, made it through the scary forest and passed the orange monster, and all the way to the beautiful White House.
The end? But daddy, did the lady make it to the White House? Tell me did the lady make it to the big White House? We can’t tell it yet son and neither can the polls.
Let’s just hope that when you wake up in the morning every man and woman in the America has turned out to vote. Because no matter what your political affiliations are, you have a civic duty to vote. And as long as you do, no one can tell you that this election was rigged.
Where…where are you looking daddy? No, no particular, that’s it. Good night. But daddy, the big orange monster won’t grab me in the night, will him? Of course not, son. What about my Pussy? Will he try to grab my Pussy? Good night, son!