
And what that allows you to do though is to connect directly with literally millions of people On the internet, you can read what each other's reading

毫不夸张 这为你们提供了直接同数百万人直接建立联系提供了可能性互联网上 你可以读别人所读的书籍文章

You can share the same music you can watch the same TV shows you can immerse yourselves in one another's lives


Learn one another's languages learn one another's recipes and even cook the same food and take a picture and

相互学习各自的语言相互学习各自的食谱甚至制作相同的食物 并拍照片

Send it to your friend across the world if you want Now I'm not saying that you're going to wake up tomorrow and automatically starts Skyping with somebody in Nairobi


And it's probably wise to ignore those emails you get from somebody in Nigeria saying they can help you make a large fortune but over the course of your lives

如果某个尼日利亚人发电子邮件告诉你能让你发大财 你自然是不要信为好不过在生命历程中

I promise you, you will have so many opportunities to use technology to make the world bigger to meet different kinds of people


And to keep in touch with more people that you meet Now these connections, they're important in and of themselves but I have to admit


I don't want you to connect for connection sake alone I want you to connect because I believe it will inspire you to do something to take action

我不希望仅仅为了联系本身而去联系我希望你们联系 是相信这能激发你们去做一些事采取行动

To make a difference in the world Humanity in the abstract, will never inspire you the way meeting another human being will

改变世界仅凭抽象人性的思考 无法激起人的行动只有同他人相遇才行

Poverty is not going to motivate you to do something but meeting people, that will motivate you to do something When my husband and I started our foundation

贫穷不会激励你做什么事情但碰到真实的贫穷之人 则能够激励你行动刚和丈夫一同创立基金会时

I really didn't know much about global health We got ourselves immersed in the data We met a lot of academics









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