
Hi, everybody. 大家好。 This week, I spent a couple days in Minneapolis, talking with people about their lives-their concerns, their successes, and their hopes for the future. 本周,我在明尼波利斯呆了几天,与人们谈论他们的生活–他们的关注,他们的成功和他们对未来的希望。 I went because of a letter I received from a working mother named Rebekah, who shared with me the har...

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My fellow Americans, since Day One, my administration has been hard at work, tearing down the barriers to job creation and economic growth. 我的美国同胞们,从走马上任的第一天开始,本届政府一直在努力工作,推倒阻碍创造就业和经济增长的藩篱。 We have removed one job-killing regulation after another – they’re not pretty and they’re going. 我们废除了一个个不...

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We want America to be the best place in the world to hire, grow, invest, and start a brand-new, beautiful business. 我们想让美国成为世界上雇用工人、发展壮大、投入资金以及成立崭新而出色公司的最棒的地方。 And that is why under our plan, we are cutting the business tax rate all the way down to 15 percent, 这就是为何在计划中,我们要让企业税率一路削减到15%, bringing...

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Last week, my economic team outlined another step in our economic renewal: a massive tax cut to bring jobs and prosperity back to the USA. 上周,我手下负责经济的团队,概述了复兴美国经济另一步行动:大幅减税,让工作岗位和繁荣兴旺重归美国。 We pay the highest taxes anywhere in the world. 我们付出了世界最高的税额。 No country is higher, and we’re bringing them...

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That is why we are cleaning up the code, streamlining deductions, and eliminating many special interest tax breaks that largely benefit only the wealthy. 这就是为何我们要清理税法、简化扣税项目、消除大多只有利于富人的特殊利益减税优惠。 Just weeks ago, millions of Americans filed their taxes on Tax Day—they were reminded again how much they give to Washington. 就在几...

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