TED演讲之感动重临 用班卓琴来建设中美关系(3)

It’s really been eight years since that fated night in Kentucky. 距离肯塔基那改变命运的一夜的确已经过去八年了 And I’ve played thousands of shows. 这期间我参加过数以千计的表演 And I’ve collaborated with so many incredible, inspirational musicians around the world. 我和不计其数的出色音乐人合作过,他们来自世界的各个地方 And I see the power o...

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TED演讲之感动重临 用班卓琴来建设中美关系(2)

I knew I had to take a banjo with me to China. 我这时候知道我肯定会带着班卓琴去中国了 So before going to law school in China, I bought a banjo, 在出发去中国的法学院之前,我买了个班卓琴, I threw it in my little red truck and I traveled down through Appalachia 把它扔进我的红色小皮卡里,然后我一路开到了阿巴拉契亚 and I learned a bunch of old American songs, ...

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TED演讲之感动重临 我的多调人声(1)

I’d like you all to ask yourselves a question which you may never have asked yourselves before: 我希望你们先问你们自己一个问题,这个问题可能你们从没问过自己 What is possible with the human voice? 人的声音能干些什么? What is possible with the human voice? 人的声音能干些什么? It was coming straight for me. I had to. It was, yeah. 它直接朝我飞过来...

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TED演讲之感动重临 用班卓琴来建设中美关系(4)

Like the time I was in Sichuan Province 有一次我去四川 and I was singing for kids in relocation schools in the earthquake disaster zone. 在地震灾后的临时小学里给孩子们唱歌 And this little girl comes up to me. 然后一个小女孩走过来 “Big sister Wong, Washburn, Wong, same difference. 王大姐,沃什伯恩和王差不多 “Big sister Wong, can I sing you...

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TED演讲之感动重临 用班卓琴来建设中美关系(1)

If you had caught me straight out of college in the halls of the Vermont State House 如果你在我本科刚毕业后在佛蒙特州议会大楼里遇到我 where I was a lobbyist in training and asked me what I was going to do with my life, 那时我还正在参加说客培训,并同时问我我的人生理想是什么 I would have told you that I’d just passed the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, 我会告诉你...

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