TED演讲之感动重临 我嘴里的乐队(2)

I’m very, very stoked to be here today, 今天能来到这里我很兴奋 representing my kinfolk and all those that haven’t managed to make a career out of an innate ability for inhuman noisemaking. 代表所有同仁和所有与生俱来能够发出非人的声音,却还未成功创出一番天地的朋友们 Because it is a bit of a niche market, 因为这算是一个利基市场 and there’s ...

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TED演讲之感动重临 我嘴里的乐队(4)

I got way too much time on my hands. 我的手可是闲得不得了啊 And last but not least, 最后 the one on my right here allows me to loop loop loop loop loop loop loop loop my voice. 右边的这个功能让我能够重复重复重复重复重复重复重复重复我的声音 So with all that in mind, ladies and gentlemen, 以上表演,女士们先生们 I would like to take you on a journey to ...

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TED演讲之感动重临 我嘴里的乐队(3)

And before we reach our final destination, ladies and gentlemen, 在到达本次旅途终点前,女士们先生们 I would like to share with you some technology 我想给大家展示一下 that I brought all the way from the thriving metropolis of Brisbane. 从新兴大都市布里斯班带来的一项技术 These things in front of me here are called Kaoss Pads, 我面前的这堆东西叫合成器 a...

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TED演讲之感动重临 我嘴里的乐队(1)

My name is Tom, and I’ve come here today to come clean about what I do for money. 我叫汤姆,今天我来到这里向大家坦白交待我的谋生之道 Basically, I use my mouth in strange ways in exchange for cash. 基本上,我靠嘴巴以特殊的方式来换现金 I usually do this kind of thing in seedy downtown bars and on street corners, 我通常都在闹市区的破酒吧和街角做这事儿 s...

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