
Cupertino is very famous for Apple Computer. And we are very honor to have Steve Jobs to come here tonight to give us special presentation. Mr. Jobs? 苹果如今变得炙手可热Cupertino也沾光不少,今晚我们荣幸地邀请到乔布斯莅临现场。乔总? Welcome, Mr Jobs: you have a fan club here.. 欢迎你,这里貌似都是你的粉丝。 Thank you. Apple's grown like a weed, and as you know, we'v...

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励志演讲 :在疯狂中我们看到了天才(4)

And then we're going to add four new Board members, the rest of the prior Board has resigned. We are gonna add four new Board members to carry die company forward. The first is Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle. (Cheers) I hope that wasn't a boo I'm hearing. Larry started Oracle in his garage about a year after we started Apple. It's grown to be the second largest...

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励志演讲 :在疯狂中我们看到了天才(5)

I'd like to just take a moment and thank the outgoing Board members. I think it has not heen an easy job to be a Board member of Apple over the last few years. These are very decent people and they've been trying very hard to do the right thing for the company. To welcome our new Board members, I think we have a really exciting task ahead of us: to help the managemen...

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励志演讲 :在疯狂中我们看到了天才(3)

Focus on the relevance. Apple needs to find where it is still incredibly relevant and focus on those areas. It means to figure out its core assets are, and invest more in them, Apple has neglected its core assets for a while. It has to forge some meaningful partnerships, not just partnerships in press releases. And it needs to define some new product paradigms. We've got...

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励志演讲 :在疯狂中我们看到了天才(1)

Thank you very much for that warm welcome. Now I guess I'm going to have to give a speech. I came today to give you a status report on what's going on and to try and fill you in on some of the steps we're taking to get Apple healthy again. As you know, I'm the Chairman and CEO of a company called Pixar. Thank you. And I like a lot of other people here are pul...

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励志演讲 :在疯狂中我们看到了天才(2)

So, what I see is the makings of a very healthy company with some extraordinarily talented people who are still just as passionate and committed to the dream of computing as they ever were. They need to come together and get a great plan and then start to execute it. That's exactly what's been happening over the last four weeks. 因此,我所看到的是,一个运营良好的公司...

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名人演讲 :跟乔布斯学习演讲技巧(2)

Remember, Jobs isn't selling hardware. 切记,乔布斯不是在推销设备, He's selling an experience. 他是在推销一种体验。 If you offer numbers and statistics make them meaningful. 如果你要引用数据,让它们变得有意义。 We have sold four million iPhones to date. 迄今为止,我们一共售出了400万部iPhone。 If you divide four million by two hundred days, that's 20,000 iPhones ...

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名人演讲 :跟乔布斯学习演讲技巧(2)

Remember, Jobs isn't selling hardware. 切记,乔布斯不是在推销设备, He's selling an experience. 他是在推销一种体验。 If you offer numbers and statistics make them meaningful. 如果你要引用数据,让它们变得有意义。 We have sold four million iPhones to date. 迄今为止,我们一共售出了400万部iPhone。 If you divide four million by two hundred days, that's 20,000 iPhones ...

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名人演讲 :跟乔布斯学习演讲技巧(3)

If you really want your presentation to pop, treat it like a show, with heads and flows and themes and transitions. 如果你真的想要演讲出类拔萃,就把它当作一场演出,各种标题、流程、主题和过渡。 Jobs includes video clips, demonstrations and guests. 乔布斯用到了包括视频剪辑、样品展示和客串嘉宾。 He also has a knack for dramatic flair and it's very effective. 他有时还具有戏...

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名人演讲 :跟乔布斯学习演讲技巧(1)

Anyone who has watched a Steve Jobs keynote will tell you he is one of the most extraordinary speakers in corporate America. 但凡看过Steve Jobs的主题演讲的人都觉得,他是全美最棒的演说家和合作伙伴。 Who does the best job of that in the world? 这个行业里谁做的最好? While most presenters simply convey information, Jobs inspires. 虽然多数演讲者只是简单地传达信息,但乔布斯却能点...

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英文欣赏:The Brightest Heaven of Invention最璀璨的创新天堂

Part 4 The Brightest Heaven of Invention 第四部分 最璀璨的创新天堂 The saga of Steve Jobs is the Silicon Valley creation myth writ large: launching a startup in his parents,garage and building it into the world’s most valuable company. He didn’t invent many things outright, but he was a master at putting together ideas, art, and technology in ways that in...

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美文阅读 (193)乔布斯录音 创造美好事物以感激世人

There’s lots of ways to be as a person, and some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. 一个人有很多种活法,不同的人也有不同感恩这个世界的方式。 But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there. 但是我始终相信其中的一种方式是做出极致的东西,然后...

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乔布斯的“时间胶囊” 作者:清风慕竹 最近,美国国家地理频道《挖掘者》栏目的一次挖掘行动引起了世人的关注,因为挖掘的对象是苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯埋下的“时间胶囊”,人们好奇地想知道这位天才的发明家,在30年前究竟埋藏了什么。 所谓“时间胶囊”,就是将现代发明的有代表性意义的物品装入容器内,密封后深埋地下,并设置一个在未来能够打开的时间。1983年,乔布斯作为年轻的技术创新者,出席了在美...

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