
Thank you very much. Thank you for that warm welcome. Good day, everyone. Greetings to all of mycolleagues. Thank you, Minister Glover,Shelly, for your kind introduction. Greetings to everyone, toMinister Candice Bergen, Joy Smith, Bob Sopuck, James Bezan, Joyce Bateman, RodBruinooge, Lawrence Toet, all of my colleagues, Steven Fletcher. Also to our distinguished guests,to P...

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Thank you very much. Good afternoon. It’s wonderful to have so many of you here, in particular to see all of the kids who have been able to join us today. Thank you all for being here. Thank you first of all to my introducer. Joe is not just a great member of our team but you should know that he really took up the work that Jim Flaherty and I had begun. He has worked very ha...

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Thank you, Shelly, for that kind introduction. Thank you to Suzanne Sarault for serving as our emcee today. Greetings to Chief of Defence Staff General Lawson, to Chief Warrant Officer West, to ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps, to my colleagues from the Parliament of Canada, Royal Galipeau and Pierre Lemieux, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, honoured vete...

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Mr. Speaker, in recent months, the international community has reacted, with virtually unanimous outrage and alarm at the rise of ISIL, the so-called ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.’ ISIL has established a self-proclaimed Caliphate, at present stretching over a vast territory roughly from Aleppo to near Baghdad, from which it intends to launch a terrorist jihad not me...

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We Canadians are blessed to live in the best country in the world. But we must remember that our good fortune is not an accident. It's the direct result of visionary leaders, of courageous men and women in uniform, of the waves of industrious immigrants who have come to our shores, of the decorated athletes who unite us and make us proud, and, of course, because of Canad...

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Sat Sri Akal. Sophie and I wish all Canadians of Sikh faith a happy Vaisakhi. 317 years ago, Guru Gobind Singh Ji created the Khalsa Panth, which marks the most important date in the Sikh faith. Khalsa Panth reminds us of the shared ideals of fairness, respect, and equality for all, which underpin both the Sikh faith and Canadian ...

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My friends, This is a time to give thanks for loved ones, and look back on the past year. We come together – in places of worship, around the table, or under the tree – to celebrate the spirit of the season. We often celebrate this time of year by showing our generosity to family and friends. I trust that we will do the same with the thousands of people who are experiencing ...

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Xin nian kuai le! Every year, families and friends come together in the spirit of giving and happiness to celebrate the Lunar New Year. …The monkey signifies intelligence, innovation and enthusiasm. The Chinese-Canadian community has played an important role in building our country and defining our heritage. Every day, we are reminded of the economic and cultural contributio...

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Thank you so much. Thank you so much, John, for that kind introduction and for your leadership. I obviously also want to thank Catalyst – its directors, advisors, staff and volunteers – for putting together this tremendous event each and every year. And thank you to each and every one of you for being here with us tonight. When I was looking over the schedule for today's...

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Hello, everyone! I'm delighted to join you in celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. This evening, we gather under the moonlight to give thanks for the harvest and the year's successes. As we light lanterns and make mooncakes, we are reminded of Canada's greatest strength – our diversity. I'm grateful for Canada's diversity and proud of the contributions ma...

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Thank you, Jack, for that kind introduction. It's a tremendous pleasure to be here. It's a tremendous pleasure to be welcomed by you. Since…the ten months or so since I've been prime minister, I've already had multiple occasions to sit down with many different leading business figures from around the world, leading political figures from around the world, and...

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It's good to have everyone here today for this important announcement, because we really do have some great news to share – news that will benefit not just people here in Barrie, but all across the province. In our spring budget, we outlined our plan to invest in public transit, to create jobs, to strengthen our communities and to grow the middle class. Since that time, ...

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Happy birthday, Canada. On this day 149 years ago, the people of this great land came together. There would no longer be an Upper Canada or a Lower Canada, a Canada West or a Canada East. Instead, there would be one nation, one country, one Canada. From the outset, Canada was formed not in spite of differences, but because of them. Today, as we celebrate our nation's bir...

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Assalam Alaikum! Hello, my friends! For the last month, Muslims around the world and here in Canada have fasted from dawn to sunset. Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan – a time of fasting and reflection, spiritual discipline and renewal, and service to those less fortunate. I am honoured to partake in this special time, which celebrates the common values ...

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I’d like to begin by thanking our hosts, President Kuczynski and the people of Peru, for such a warm welcome. This summit was a chance for APEC members to tackle the challenges facing the (global opportunity and to seize) global community and to seize the opportunities that lie ahead. The central theme of our discussions this weekend was the need to encourage freer...

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Rosh Hashanah marks the start of a new year. It is a time of redemption and renewal, and hope for a new beginning. I am delighted to join Jewish communities across Canada and around the world in celebration of Rosh Hashanah. In the coming days, Jews will come together to pray and hear the blowing of the shofar, to reflect on the past year and look forward to the promises...

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Today, we pause to remember and honour the Canadian men and women who have served our country and fought for freedom around the world. Time and memory may fade, but our respect and appreciation for Canada’s veterans will not. We all have a duty to hold the torch high, and to keep its flame alight. Liberty’s cause beats deeply within our hearts, and every gene...

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Thanks to all of you for being here today, and thanks for inviting me to join you. It’s a real pleasure to be part of such a special day. Every time I have a chance to share with teachers, it’s a good day for me. Actually, I just visited a classroom last week during a trip to Liberia and while there were some pretty interesting takeaways, I’m hoping ...

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President Tusk, President Tajani, distinguished Parliamentarians, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning. It is a privilege to be here today. I’m told that this marks the first address to the EU Parliament by a sitting Canadian Prime Minister, so thank you for allowing me this honour. As you know, I was in Brussels not too long ago to formally sign the Comprehensive...

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Thank you, Dan, for the kind introduction. And thank you all for being here. To the many policy makers and industry leaders here today, thank you. And, of course, to the organizers of CERAWeek – thank you so much for this award. It truly is an honour – for me personally, for Canada’s superb natural resources minister, Jim Carr, who’s been here all week, and f...

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