Ted英语演讲:Geoff Mulgan:经济崩溃之后,投资一个更好的世界
投资的目的是赚钱,可是投资一定可以赚钱吗?如果可以赚钱,那么可以赚多少钱呢?对这两个问题的不同回答,实际上是代表了完全不同的投资动机;不同的投资动机带来的是不同的投资行为;不同的投资行为对应不同的投资心理。今天推荐一篇文章,聊聊投资中常见的一些心理误区。 先从巴菲特的一次讲话开始今天的文章吧: 巴菲特在一次演讲中,提到投资的误区,指出有些人并非认为整个市场会繁荣,他们只是认为...
奥巴马演讲 现在是在美国投资的时候了1
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Please, have a seat. Thank you very much, Tom, for the gracious(亲切的,高尚的) introduction. I want to make a few other acknowledgments. To Tom Bell, the Chamber Board President, thank you for helping to organize this. There are some members of my administration I want to make sure are introduced. My Chief of Staff, Bill Daley, is here....
奥巴马演讲 现在是在美国投资的时候了4
I know that folks here have concerns about this law. And I understand it. If you’re running a business right now and you’re seeing these escalating(上升的) health care costs, your instinct is if I’ve got even more laws on top of me, that’s going to increase my costs even more. I understand that suspicion, that skepticism. But the non-partisan congre...