
This is why we are not growing. We failed at reinventing the manufacturing space, 这就是为什么经济未能增长。我们未能重新创造工业生产活动, and large technological innovations have played away from it. 与此同时大型技术创新却与之相背。 But what if we could combine those forces? 但如果我们把这些结合起来会发生什么? What if the existing manufacturing and large...

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Scale does not matter anymore, flexibility does. 批量化不再重要,弹性化取而代之。 They will be operating on a multi-product, made-to-order basis. 工厂将会基于多种类产品及订制的基础上生产。 The change will be drastic. Globalization will enter a new era. 这将是个剧变。全球化将进入一个新纪元。 The East-to-West trade flows will be replaced by regional trade fl...

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Imagine a world where you can buy the exact products you want 想象一下,你可以买到符合你所有需求的产品, with the functionalities you need, with the design you want, 具备你需要的所有功能,有你想要的设计, with the same cost and lead time as a product that’s been mass produced, 但却和大规模生产出的产品在价位与交付时间上相差无几, like your car, or you...

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Of course China and other emerging economies won’t be the factory of the world anymore. 诚然,中国和其他发展中国家不再会是世界工厂。 Actually, it was not a sustainable model in the long term, as those countries are becoming richer. 实际上,随着这些国家变得更为富有,作为世界工厂长期来看也不是一个可持续发展方式。 Last year, it was already as expensive to pro...

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When fast-fashion competitors like Zara started replenishing their stocks faster 当像Zara等“快速时尚”竞争者加快存货周转率, from two collections a year to one collection a month, 从一年两个时装系列提高到一个月一个时装系列, none of them have been able to keep up with the pace. 传统的服装企业就都跟不上其节奏了。 Most of them are in great difficulties today....

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I’m here today to tell you that we are on the verge of another huge change, 我今天想要告诉各位,我们即将经历另一次剧变, and that this change, surprisingly enough, is going to come from manufacturing, again. 这次改变,出乎意料的是,也再次会从制造业开始。 It will get us out of our growth slump 它将使我们走出经济的萧条期, and it will change radically ...

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Last year in the US, they helped Amazon prepare and ship all the products required for Cyber Monday, 去年在美国,机器人帮助亚马逊发货,以应对网络星期一带来的 the annual peak of online retail. 年度线上零售消费高峰。 Last year in the US, it was the biggest online shopping day of the year and of history. 那是去年在美国的,有史以来最大的线上购物日。 Consumers ...

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Guys, we have an issue. Growth is fading away, and it’s a big deal. 各位,我们遇到问题了。经济增长逐渐放缓,这可是个大问题。 Our global economy stops growing. And it’s not new. 全球经济停止增长。这已经不是什么新闻了。 Growth has actually declined for the last 50 years. 事实上,过去50年来增速一直在逐渐放缓。 If we continue like this, we need to ...

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经济发展处处长竞聘上岗演讲稿 党政机关机构改革,是建设一支面向21世纪高素质干部队伍、迎接西部大开发的重要举措。对于推进干部制度改革,拓宽选人用人渠道,促进人才资源的合理配置和流动,激励机关干部爱岗敬业、开拓进取、奋发向上具有重要意义,我坚决拥护,并积极参与。我参加经济发展处处长职位竞争,恳请组织和同志们挑选。 一、工作经历 我叫张宝安,1971年参军,1974年入党,1975年7月毕业于解...

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经济发展处领导(处长)竞聘演讲稿 尊敬的各位评委 大家好: 努力实践“三个代表”重要思想,使工作再上新台阶 党政机关机构改革,是建设一支面向21世纪高素质干部队伍、迎接西部大开发的重要举措。对于推进干部制度改革,拓宽选人用人渠道,促进人才资源的合理配置和流动,激励机关干部爱岗敬业、开拓进取、奋发向上具有重要意义,我坚决拥护,并积极参与。我参加经济发展处处长职位竞争,恳请...

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