
And all of this matters greatly, because public safety to me is the most important function of government. 所有这些事项都很重要,因为我认为,保证公共安全是政府最重要的职能。 If we’re not safe, we can’t be educated, we can’t be healthy, 如果人身安全无法保证,我们就不能接受教育, we can’t do any of the other things we want to do in our lives. 就不能保持...

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Now, moneyball, as many of you know, is what the Oakland A’s did, 正如大家所知,点球成金,是奥克兰运动家棒球队的方法, where they used smart data and statistics to figure out how to pick players that would help them win games, 他们使用了智能数据和统计学,找出如何挑选球员的办法,这将有助于他们赢得比赛, and they went from a system that was based on baseball...

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What judges see if they run the risk assessment tool is this — it’s a dashboard. 如果他们使用了这个风险评估工具,你就会看到这个–一个评分板。 At the top, you see the New Criminal Activity Score, six of course being the highest, 在顶部的,是新的刑事犯罪活动评分,六当然是最高分, and then in the middle you see, “Elevated risk of violence....

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So I went out and built a phenomenal team of data scientists and researchers and statisticians to build a universal risk assessment tool, 所以我组建了一个出色的团队,由数据科学家和研究人员还有统计人员组成,建立一个通用的风险评估工具, so that every single judge in the United States of America can have an objective, scientific measure of risk. 这样一来,全美的每一个...

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The second thing that happened is that I spent the day in the Camden, New Jersey police department. 第二件事是我在卡姆登的新泽西州警察局耗了一天。 Now, at that time, Camden, New Jersey, was the most dangerous city in America. 当时,新泽西州的卡姆登是美国最危险的城市。 I ran the Camden Police Department because of that. 我跑了一趟卡姆登警察局就是因为这个原因。...

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In 2007, I became the attorney general of the state of New Jersey. 2007年,我担任了新泽西州的司法部长。 Before that, I’d been a criminal prosecutor, first in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, 在那之前,我曾是一名刑事检察官,先是在曼哈顿地区检查官办公室, and then at the United States Department of Justice. 后来是在国家司法部。 But when ...

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So I decided to focus on using data and analytics to help make the most critical decision in public safety, 所以我决定将重点集中在使用数据和分析,以在公共安全方面帮助作出最关键的判断, and that decision is the determination of whether, when someone has been arrested, 这一决定是判断已经被逮捕的某个人, whether they pose a risk to public safety and should be detai...

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The reason for this is the way we make decisions. 是我们做决定的方式导致的这种结果。 Judges have the best intentions when they make these decisions about risk, but they’re making them subjectively. 法官怀着善意做出这些有风险的决定,但,是主观的决定。 They’re like the baseball scouts 20 years ago who were using their instinct and their experience to t...

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