
President Bush Meets with President Saakashvili of Georgia  PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President, welcome back to Washington. I was just reminiscing with the President about my trip to Georgia, about the unbelievably good food, and about the dancing. He was wondering whether I’d come back and start my dancing career there. And I told him I probably better quit while I’...

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长假出行是减压的好方法,但是,旅行中拥挤的人群和交通同样会使人精神紧张,因此,更多的人会在长假留守家中。而对于留守派来说,还有很多快乐的减压方法可以尝试:音乐、舞蹈、冥想、呼吸、运动、按摩、香熏……心理咨询师认为,其实每个放松方法都能找到轻松和乐趣。 方法1 放松唱歌 据报道,英国伦敦那些承受着极大压力的银行家们有了一种新的放松方式,那就是唱歌。在工作日的上班高峰期...

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