
Hi, everybody. 大家好。 On Thursday, I addressed a conference for business leaders from around the world. 星期二我在一场全球企业家会议上发表了一次讲话。 And my pitch was simple:Choose America. Invest in America. Create jobs in America. 我的意图简单明确:选择美国,投资美国,在美国创造就业。 It speaks to my top priority as President: growing our economy, creating good jobs, st...

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Hi everybody. 嗨,大家好。 Right now, the United States Senate is debating a bipartisan, commonsense bill that would be an important step toward fixing our broken immigration system. 现在美国的参议院正在就一项代表两党的普遍法案进行讨论。而这一法案是走向修补我们不完善移民体系的重要一步。 It's a bill that would continue to strengthen security at our borders, 这一法案将继续...

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Hi, everybody. 嗨,大家好。 Three years ago this weekend, we put in place tough new rules of the road for the financial sector so that irresponsible behavior on the part of the few could never again cause a crisis that harms millions of middle-class families. 三年前的这个周末,我推出了严苛的法规规范金融板块,以便使这个领域少数人的不负责任行为再也不造成损害成千上万中产阶级的...

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Hi, everybody. 嗨,大家好。 Over the past four and a half years, 回首过去的4年半, we've been fighting our way back from an economic crisis and punishing recession that cost millions of Americans their jobs, 我们用自己的方式击退了经济危机,惩罚了造成衰退的人,此次危机让数百万人失去工作、 their homes, and the sense of security they'd worked so hard to build. 失去家园...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 It was five years ago this week that a financial crisis on Wall Street spread to Main Street, and very nearly turned a recession into a depression. 5年前的本周华尔街金融危机蔓延至中产阶级的经济危机,而这场危机差点将衰退变成萧条。 In a matter of months, millions of Americans were robbed of their jobs, 在短短几个月的时间里,数百万美国人失去了工作, thei...

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奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统表示国会不配合 工作也要做

Hi, everybody. 大家好! At a time when our businesses have created 9.2 million new jobs in just over four years, and more companies are considering bringing jobs back from overseas, we have a choice to make. 我们的私营企业在过去4年时间里创造了920万个工作岗位,此时此刻,还有更多企业考虑将工作机会从海外带回国内,我们必须做出选择。 We can make it easier for businesses to invest...

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奥巴马演讲 要求国会延长中产阶级减税政策

Hi, everybody. I’m here on the factory floor of a business in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, where folks are working around the clock making toys to keep up with the Christmas rush. And I came here because, back in Washington, the clock is ticking on some important decisions that will have a real impact on our businesses—and on families like yours. The most pressing dec...

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奥巴马演讲 呼吁国会采取行动反对枪支暴力

Hi, everybody. This week, I announced a series of concrete steps we should take to protect our children and our communities from gun violence. These proposals grew out of meetings Vice President Biden and his task force held over the last month with more than 200 different groups—from parents and teachers; to law enforcement and sportsmen; to religious leaders and ment...

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奥巴马讲话 国会要加快步伐 帮助中产阶级

Hi, everybody. My top priority as President is doing everything I can to create more jobs and more opportunities for hardworking families to get ahead. On Friday, we learned that our economy created over 200,000 new jobs in July. That’s on top of about 300,000 new jobs in June. We’re now in a six-month streak with at least 200,000 new jobs each month. That hasn&#...

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奥巴马演讲 呼吁国会支持教师招募计划

Hi, everybody. This week, I spent some time traveling across Iowa talking with folks about rebuilding an economy where if you work hard, you and your family can get ahead(获得成功). And along the way, I stopped in at Cascade High School to thank the teachers there for doing such a great job—and wish them luck as they head back to the classroom for this school year. T...

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