
Now, this quickly, my day job sent me to work out of our Milan office for a few months, 很快,因为日常工作的缘故,我会有几个月不在米兰, so I was like, what will I do? 有时候会迷惘,我要去做些啥啊? So I actually scheduled sleep on my calendar, 而实际上我忙着调整我的睡眠时间呢 and spent the 8-hour time difference on conference calls 把多出来的8个小时时差用在联系 with materia...

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Data. Data is inherently unsexy, but it can jumpstart an area's recovery. 看看数据。数据一向很枯燥,但能极大推动一个地区的重建 FEMA and the state will pay 85 percent of the cost of a federally declared disaster, FEMA和所在州会支付联邦宣布的灾害事件85%的损失 leaving the town to pay last 15 percent of the bill. 其余15%需要城镇自行承担 Now that expense can be huge, 这笔支出...

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We didn't get our authority from the board of selectmen 我们既没有得到行政委员会的授权 or the emergency management director or the United Way. 也没有被应急办主任或是Uited Way批准 We just started answering questions and making decisions because someone, anyone, had to. 我们只不过开始回答问题并且做出决定,因为必须有人这么做 And why not me? I'm a campaign organizer. 为...

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Data. Data is inherently unsexy, but it can jumpstart an area's recovery. 看看数据。数据一向很枯燥,但能极大推动一个地区的重建 FEMA and the state will pay 85 percent of the cost of a federally declared disaster, FEMA和所在州会支付联邦宣布的灾害事件85%的损失 leaving the town to pay last 15 percent of the bill. 其余15%需要城镇自行承担 Now that expense can be huge, 这笔支出...

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Now, this quickly, my day job sent me to work out of our Milan office for a few months, 很快,因为日常工作的缘故,我会有几个月不在米兰, so I was like, what will I do? 有时候会迷惘,我要去做些啥啊? So I actually scheduled sleep on my calendar, 而实际上我忙着调整我的睡眠时间呢 and spent the 8-hour time difference on conference calls 把多出来的8个小时时差用在联系 with materia...

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That was me in front of our house in Monson, Massachusetts last June. 那个就是我,在麻省的Monson,我们的房子前面, After an EF3 tornado ripped straight through our town and took parts of our roof off, 一股EF3级龙卷风袭击了这里,掀翻了我们的屋顶 I decided to stay in Massachusetts instead of pursuing the master's program 我决定留在麻省,而不是去读硕士 I had moved my boxes ...

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And so, as we evaluated, and as the dust settled from this tragedy, 经历这个悲剧后 we realized that, of those two problems — 我们重新思考了这两个问题 in the initial iteration of our organization, 最初我们这个组织 we were a disaster response organization that was using veteran service. 是个聘用退役军人的灾难管理组织 We had a lot of success, 当时我们已经相当成功 and we r...

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So, I'm going to start off with kind of the buzzkill a little bit. 好吧,我的开场可能有点让人扫兴 Forty-two million people were displaced by natural disasters in 2010. 四千两百万人在2010年因灾成为无家可归的人。 Now, there was nothing particularly special about 2010, 不过,2010年可没有什么太大不了的 because, on average, 31 and a half million people are displaced by natura...

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Now we have instant neighborhoods outside. 现在大家都成了新的邻居。 So the Exo is designed to be simply, basically like a coffee cup. 这个房屋系统被设计的很简洁,基本上很像一个咖啡杯。 They can actually stack together 它们可以摞在一起 so we get extremely efficient transportation and storage out of them. 所以我们可以非常高效的运输和储存它们。 In fact, 15 Exos can fit on a sin...

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Two years ago, after having served four years in the United States Marine Corps 两年前,我在美国海军陆战队服役了四年 and deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan, 也曾调配到伊朗和阿富汗 I found myself in Port-au-Prince, leading a team of veterans and medical professionals 我被安排到太子港领导一支由退役军人和医疗专业人员组成的队伍。 in some of the hardest-hit areas of that ci...

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