
That shows you how my mind works — quick, and away from the point. I read simply voraciously, and can drum up an opinion afterwards. 这能告诉你们我的思维方式—灵敏,与众不同。我如饥似渴地博览群书,并能在阅读后得出自己的见解。 Since I have bought an India print, and a large number of phonograph records from a Mr. Nussbaum who picks them up, and a Cezanne Bathers one inc...

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Gentlemen, 尊敬的主编 I suppose you’d be more interested in even a sleight-o’-hand trick than you’d be in an application for a position with your magazine, but as usual you can’t have the thing you want most. 我猜,你们应该会觉得比起看一封写给贵刊的求职信,连看个戏法都比这个更有趣。但世事不能尽随人愿是常理。 I am 23 years old, six weeks o...

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求职信决定你能否找到饭碗 最近,我在微博上批评当今的年青一代拿着父母的钱,还没独立就牛得不行,觉得老一代的价值观太陈旧,无资格教育他们。此论马上引起回击。一年轻网友质问:父辈没有投过那么多简历,对我们的教训没有说服力。我立即回帖:“父辈没投过简历?俺高考时27个考生录取一个,留学的投了多少简历?在美国找教职,一个位置一百来人抢,不投简历谁理你?俺这茬人就这么过来的。” 本...

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