TED演讲之感动重临 用最有趣的方法让你晕头转向(2)

It’s a song about people and sasquatches — and other French science stuff. 这是一首有关人们和长毛野人的歌曲,还有些法国科技的玩意 That’s French science. Okay, here we go. 没错,法国科技。好,开唱 I’ve been trying inside 我一直内心在争斗 I know that I’m in trouble by myself 我知道我身陷囫囵 But every time it gets me 但...

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TED演讲之感动重临 用最有趣的方法让你晕头转向(1)

And that’s one of the things that I enjoy most about this convention. 关于这大会我最享受的事之一就是 It’s not so much, as so little as to do with what everything is. 都跟”万物为何”这个话题有着多多少少的关系 But it is within our self-interest to understand the topography of our lives unto ourselves. 了解一下生命的崎岖和我们自身的关系是...

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TED演讲之感动重临 用最有趣的方法让你晕头转向(4)

So, as I say before the last piece, feel not as though it is a sphere we live on, 所以,就像我在最后一首歌前说的,不要只觉得地球只是我们生存的地方 rather an infinite plane which has the illusion of leading yourself back to the point of origin. 它其实是一个广袤无垠的平原,有着带领你溯本追源的幻觉 Once we understand that all the spheres in the sky are just large i...

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TED演讲之感动重临 用最有趣的方法让你晕头转向(3)

And the computer models, no matter how many that you have and how many people that you use, 那些计算机虚拟建模,不管你做了多少,用了多少人 are never going to be able to arrive at the same conclusions. 结论永远不同 Four years ago I worked with a few people at the Brookings Institute, and I arrived at a conclusion. 四年前我在布鲁金斯学院跟一些人合作,得出了一个...

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