
So now we've spoken about on-screen sounds. But occasionally, the source of a sound cannot be seen. 那么,我们已经谈到了屏幕上的声音。但有时候,声源是看不到的。 That's what we call offscreen sounds, or "acousmatic." 我们称之为画外音,或者是“盲听”。 Acousmatic sounds — well, the term "acousmatic" comes from Pythagoras in ancient Greece, 盲听...

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On the completely other side, adding a lot of reverb to a voice is going to make us think that we're listening to a flashback, 在完全相反的情况下,在语音里加入很多回响会使我们感觉正在听回忆, or perhaps that we're inside the head of a character or that we're listening to the voice of God. 或者好像我们正在一个角色的大脑中,或者在听上帝的声音。 Or, even more powerf...

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But I want to make it clear: there is no such thing as silence. 我要说清楚的是,并不存在一种叫做无声的东西。 And I know this sounds like the most pretentious TED Talk statement ever. 我知道这说法听起来差不多是TED里最自负的。 But even if you were to enter a room with zero reverberation and zero external sounds, 但是,即使你进入一个没有任何回响的房间,也完全没有外部声音, you ...

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I want to start by doing an experiment. I'm going to play three videos of a rainy day. 我想用一个实验来开始我的演讲。我将给你们播放三段雨天的视频。 But I've replaced the audio of one of the videos, and instead of the sound of rain, I've added the sound of bacon frying. 不过我把其中一个视频里的音频换成了别的,它不再是下雨的声音,变成了煎培根的声音。 So I want you ...

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One of my favorite stories comes from Frank Serafine. 我最喜欢的段子之一来自于弗兰克·塞拉凡尼。 He's a contributor to our library, and a great sound designer for "Tron" and "Star Trek" and others. 他是我们音效库的贡献者之一,也是《创:战记》和《星际迷航》及其他作品的伟大音效设计师。 He was part of the Paramount team that won the Oscar for best sound f...

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Ambiences work in a most primal way. They can speak directly to our brain subconsciously. 环境声以最原始的方式起着作用。它们可以在潜意识里直接对我们的大脑说话。 So, birds chirping outside your window may indicate normality, 所以,你窗户外面的鸟叫可以代表常态。 perhaps because, as a species, we've been used to that sound every morning for millions of years. 或许因为,我们...

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But once you've created your sounds and you've synced them to the image, you want those sounds to live in the world of the story. 不过,当你创造了声音并和画面同步后,你希望这些声音可以在叙事的世界中变得鲜活。 And one the best ways to do that is to add reverb. 最好的方法之一是加一点回响。 So this is the first audio tool I want to talk about. 这是我要谈的第一个音效手段...

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When you watch a movie and you see a bird flapping its wings… 看电影的时候你看到一只鸟在拍打着它的翅膀… They haven't really recorded the bird. 他们并没真正去给那只鸟录音。 It sounds a lot more realistic if you record a sheet or shaking kitchen gloves. 实际上只是拍打一张纸,或抖动厨房手套的声音。 The burning of a cigarette up close… 近距离的香烟燃烧̷...

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I think what all these masters knew is that by hiding the source, you create a sense of mystery. 我认为这些大师都懂得通过隐藏声音来源,来创造神秘的感觉。 This has been seen in cinema over and over, with Hitchcock, and Ridley Scott in "Alien." 这种手段你会在电影院里反复看到,希区柯克和雷德利·斯科特在“外星人”中也有使用。 Hearing a sound without knowing its source is ...

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Embracing otherness. When I first heard this theme, I thought, well, embracing otherness is embracing myself. 拥抱他人。当我第一次听到这个主题时,我觉得拥抱他人就是拥抱我自己。 And the journey to that place of understanding and acceptance has been an interesting one for me, 对于我来说,通往理解和接纳的路是十分有意思的, and it's given me an insight into the whole notion ...

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