TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(9)

I got the camera angle wrong. 我把相机角度弄错了。 That one is just amateur stuff, but what she was saying, as you could make out, was about neurons, with her hands were like that, 那是张业余作品,但是她说话的内容,你们能听得出来,是关于神经元的,她的手那样比划, and she was saying neurons communicate. At 12. 她正在说神经元之间的信息传递。12岁。 So what ar...

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I consider myself one part artist and one part designer. 我自认为既是一位艺术家,又是一位设计师。 And I work at an artificial intelligence research lab. 我在一个研究人工智能的实验室工作。 We’re trying to create technology that you’ll want to interact with in the far future. 我们正在尝试创造一项在遥远的将来能和人类互动的科技。 Not just six month...

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So these are just a few examples of how I’m using art to feed into my work as a designer and researcher of artificial intelligence. 这些都是我在自己的人工智能设计和研究的工作中如何利用艺术的例子。 And I see it as a crucial way to move innovation forward. 我觉得这是一个推动创新的重要方式。 Because right now, there are a lot of extremes when it comes to AI. ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(2)

So that’s a pretty strong comment there. I said schools as we know them now, they’re obsolete. 这里会引来热烈的讨论。我是说我们所知道的学校已经过时了。 I’m not saying they’re broken. It’s quite fashionable to say that the education system’s broken. 我并不是说它们已经崩溃了。现在挺时兴说教育体系已然崩溃的。 It’s not broken. It’s...

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So while it might be grammatically correct and uses all the right hashtags and emojis, 尽管它的语法也许正确,用对了所有的话题标签和符号表情, it can end up sounding mechanical and, well, a little creepy. And we call this the uncanny valley. 但最终听起来还是有些呆板,还有点儿吓人。我们把这称为恐怖谷。 You know, that creepiness factor of tech where it’s close to human bu...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(3)

Well, I bumped into this whole thing completely by accident. 一个偶然的机会让我想到这一切。 I used to teach people how to write computer programs in New Delhi, 14 years ago. 我从前教人写电脑程序,那是14年前在新德里的时候。 And right next to where I used to work, there was a slum. 就在我办公地点的旁边有个贫民窟。 And I used to think, how on Earth are those ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(10)

I came back to England looking for British grandmothers. 我回到英国找当地的老太太们。 I put out notices in papers saying, if you are a British grandmother, if you have broadband and a web camera, can you give me one hour of your time per week for free? 我张贴了布告,写到:如果您是一位英国的老奶奶,如果你有宽带和摄像头,能不能每周免费给我一小时? I got 200 in the...

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So, take for example human emotion. 以人类的情感为例。 Right now, computers can make sense of our most basic ones, 如今,电脑能够明白我们的基本情感, like joy, sadness, anger, fear and disgust, by converting those characteristics to math. 比如开心、伤心、生气、恐惧、厌恶,把这些特征转化为数学。 But what about the more complex emotions? 那较复杂的情感呢...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(5)

When they saw me, they said, “We want a faster processor and a better mouse.” 当他们看到我时,他们说:“我们想要更快一点的处理器和更好一点的鼠标。” So I said, “How on Earth do you know all this?” 我说:“你们到底是怎么知道全部这些的?” And they said something very interesting to me. 然后他们告诉了我一些非常有意思的事情。 In an irritat...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(8)

So I tested them. I got an educational impossibility, zero to 30 percent in two months in the tropical heat with a computer under the tree in a language they didn’t know doing something that’s a decade ahead of their time. 跟着我测试了他们。我做了件教育上不可能的事,从零到三十,花了两个月在这热带高温下,用树下的一台设置成他们不会的语言的电脑,做着超前他们那个...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(12)

So here are a couple of images from SOLEs. 这里有一些自主教育环境的图像。 I’ve tried incredible, incredible questions — “When did the world begin? How will it end?” — to nine-year-olds. 我尝试问过一些非常惊人的问题——“世界是从什么时候开始的?它又会怎样结束?”我问的是一个九岁的小孩。 This one is about what happens to the air we breathe. ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(6)

But I was curious to know, what else would they do if they could do this much? 但我好奇地是,他们既已达到如此水平还能干些别的什么? I started experimenting with other subjects, among them, for example, pronunciation. 我开始在他们中间用别的课题作实验,例如,发音。 There’s one community of children in southern India whose English pronunciation is really bad,...

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See, for every qualitative thing about us — you know, those parts of us that are emotional, dynamic and subjective 关于我们的每一个定性的特征,比如属于我们情感的、动态的、主观的部分, we have to convert it to a quantitative metric: something that can be represented with facts, figures and computer code. 我们要把它转化为一个量化指标:能通过一些事实、图形和电脑...

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So I wanted to explore how something like human intuition could be directly translated to artificial intelligence. 所以,我想探究如何将像人类直觉的东西直接地翻译给人工智能。 And I created a piece that explores computer-based intuition in a physical space. 于是我创造了一台通过现实空间探究电脑直觉的机器。 The piece is called Wayfinding, and it’s set up as a ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(4)

The children came running in. It was three feet off the ground, and they said, “What is this?” 孩子们跑了进来。电脑离地面有3英尺,他们问:“这是什么?” And I said, “Yeah, it’s, I don’t know. So…” 我说:“唔,这是……我不知道。” They said, “Why have you put it there?” 他们问:“为什么你把它放在那儿?” I said,...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(11)

It’s been tried all over the world, and teachers sort of stand back and say, “It just happens by itself?” 在世界各地尝试过,老师们后退着说:“它就这么自己发生了?” And I said, “Yeah, it happens by itself.””How did you know that?” 我说:“是的,自己发生了。”“你怎么知道?” I said, “You won’t believe the children ...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(7)

The children came rushing, said, “What’s all this?” 孩子们涌了过来问:“这些都是什么?” So I said, “It’s very topical, very important. But it’s all in English.” 我说:“这些都是热门的,重要的东西。但都是英文写的。” So they said, “How can we understand such big English words and diagrams and chemistry?” 他们...

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TED演讲之身体语言 用"云"建立一所学校(1)

What is going to be the future of learning? 未来学习是什么样子的? I do have a plan, but in order for me to tell you what that plan is, I need to tell you a little story, which kind of sets the stage. 我有个计划,但是为了向你们介绍我的计划,我需要先给你们讲一个小故事,作为铺垫。 I tried to look at where did the kind of learning we do in schools, where did it com...

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So, even the more objective parts about being human are hard to describe. Like, conversation. 甚至很多关于人性的客观方面也很难描述。比如,对话。 Have you ever really tried to break down the steps? 你曾经尝试过分解谈话的步骤吗? So think about sitting with your friend at a coffee shop and just having small talk. 试着想象一下,你和你的朋友坐在咖啡馆,进行简单的...

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