英文欣赏:First Inaugural Address肯尼迪就职演讲(节选)

编者按: 美国同胞们,不要问国家能为你们做些什么、而要问你们能为国家做些什么。 全世界的公民们,不要问美国将为你们做些什么,而要问我们共同能为人类的自由做些什么。 —约翰.肯尼迪 First Inaugural Address We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning;signifyingrenewal, as well as change.For I have sworn befor...

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英文欣赏:When Love Beckons You 爱的召唤

编者按: 真诚的爱情永远不是一条平坦大道。爱情就像一朵生长在悬崖边缘的花,想要采撷它,就要有勇气。 —–莎士比亚 When Love Beckons You When lovebeckonsto you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep.And when his wingsenfoldyou, yield to him, though the sword hidden among hispinionsmay wound you. And when he speaks to you, believe in him, though his voice may s...

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英文欣赏:There Is No Frigate Like a Book有哪艘帆船像书一样

There is nofrigatelike a book ——Emily Dickinson There is no frigate like a book To take us lands away, Nor any coursers like a page Ofprancingpoetry. This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is thechariot That bears a human soul! 有哪艘帆船像书一样 没有哪艘帆船像书本一样, 带我们跨越万水千山, 也没有一匹骏马, 比得上一页欢腾的诗篇。 没有旅费的窘...

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英文欣赏:On Motes and Beams微尘与栋梁

编者按: 人与人之间没什么大的区别。他们皆是伟大与渺小、善良与邪恶、高贵与低贱的混合体。 On Motes and Beams It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much lessheinousthan the offenses of others. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others. We turn our attenti...

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英文欣赏:Clear Your Mental Space 静心

Clear Your Mental Space Think about the last time you felt a negative emotion—like stress, anger, or frustration. What was going through your mind as you were going through thatnegativity? Was your mindclutteredwith thoughts? Or was it paralyzed, unable to think? The next time you find yourself in the middle of a very stressful time, or you feel angry or frustrated, st...

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英文欣赏:If I Rest,I Rust 如果休息,我就会生锈

编者按: 正如要想拥有自由就要时刻保持警惕一样,要想取得伟大的,持久的成功,就必须坚持不懈地努力。 If I Rest, I Rust The significantinscriptionfound on an old key—“If I rest, I rust”—would be an excellent motto for those who areafflictedwith the slightest bit ofidleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with advantage to serve as a reminder that, if...

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英文欣赏:The Road to Success 成功之道

编者按: 成功的首要条件和最大秘诀就是:把你的精力,思想和资本全都集中在你正从事的事业上。一旦开始从事某种职业,就要下定决心在那一领域闯出一片天地来;做这一行的领导人物,采纳每一点改进之心,采用最优良的设备,对专业知识熟稔于心。 The Road to Success It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessme...

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英文欣赏:The Wholeness of Life完美的人生

编者按: 人生的完整性在于知道如何面对缺陷,如何勇敢地摒弃不现实的幻想而又不以此为缺憾。 Once a circle missed awedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. It chatted with worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of diff...

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英文欣赏:To be or not to be生存还是毁灭

编者按: 如果你对当前中国那里所发生的种种感到兴趣,那么你便可说也活在中国;如果你对一本佳妙小说中的人物感到兴趣,你便是活在一批极有趣的人们中间;如果你能全神贯注地听点好的音乐,你就会超脱出你的周围环境而活在一个充满激情与想象的神奇世界之中。 To be or not to be Outside the Bible, these six words are the most famous in all the literature of the world.They were spoken by Hamlet...

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英文欣赏:I’ll Try我要试试

I'll try ——C.G Rossetti The little boy who says "I’ll try" Will climb to the hill-top. The little boy who says "I can’t". Will at the bottom stop. 'I'll try" does great things every day. "I can't" gets nothing done. Be sure then that you say "I'll try" And let "I can't" alone. 我要试试 说“我要试试...

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英文欣赏:Be the Best of Whatever You Are做最好的自己

引言: 决定成败的不是你的大小,只要你做最好的自己! Be the best of whatever you are       ——Douglas Malloch If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill, Be a scrub in the valley—but be The best little scrub by the side of the rill; Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a bush be a bit of grass—— And some highway happier make. If you can&#...

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