精美短文 第87篇:Pines松树
松树 松树几乎总是长在凌乱荒凉地地方,但它却把周围的景色点缀得井井有条,蔚然可观。低地上的树木会东倒西歪,虽说使它们弓腰曲背的,不过是草地上吹过的一阵阵微风;或者,它们的躯干歪到一边,不过时由于一排野樱草的影响。可是,尽管风暴和寻崩姿意摧残,尽管松树所能依附的只是陡壁上一块凸出的岩石,它依然长得笔挺。从它初发的嫩枝旁沿茎插一根笔直的杆子,只要这树活着,杆子将一直指着地的中心。...
松树 松树几乎总是长在凌乱荒凉地地方,但它却把周围的景色点缀得井井有条,蔚然可观。低地上的树木会东倒西歪,虽说使它们弓腰曲背的,不过是草地上吹过的一阵阵微风;或者,它们的躯干歪到一边,不过时由于一排野樱草的影响。可是,尽管风暴和寻崩姿意摧残,尽管松树所能依附的只是陡壁上一块凸出的岩石,它依然长得笔挺。从它初发的嫩枝旁沿茎插一根笔直的杆子,只要这树活着,杆子将一直指着地的中心。...
Love of Life Two men walked slowly, one after the other, through the low water of a river. It ran cold over their feet. They had blanket packs on their backs; guns, but no bullets; matches, but no food. Suddenly the man behind fell over a stone, hurt his foot badly and called: “Hey, Bill, I’ve hurt my foot.” Bill continued without looking back. The man was ...
James Watt And The Teakettle A little Scotch boy was sitting in his grandmother’s kit- chen. He was watching the red flames in the wide open fire- place and quietly wondering about the causes of things. In- deed, he was always wondering and always wanting to know. “Grandma,” he presently asked, “what makes the fire burn ?” This was not the first...
The Historical Significance of American Revolution The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet the historical process which culminated in...
Icebergs Icebergs are among nature’s most spectacular creations, and yet most people have never seen one. A vague air of mystery envelops them. They come into being — somewhere — in faraway, frigid waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most case no one hears or sees. They exist only a short time and then slowly waste away just as...
British Columbia British Columbia is the third largest Canadian province, both in area and population. It is nearly 1.5 times as large as Texas, and extends 800 miles (1,280km) north from the United States border. It includes Canada’s entire west coast and the islands just off the coast. Most of British Columbia is mountainous, with long rugged ranges running north and...
Growth That Starts From Thinking It seems to me a very difficult thing to put into words the beliefs we hold and what they make you do in your life. I think I was fortunate because I grew up in a family where there was a very deep religious feeling. I don’t think it was spoken of a great deal. It was more or less taken for granted that everybody held certain beliefs and need...
A Wet Sunday In A Country Inn A wet Sunday in a country inn ! Whoever has had the luck to experience one(1) can alone judge of(2) my situation. The rain pattered against the casements; the bells tolled for church with a melancholy sound. I went to the windows in quest of something to amuse the eye; but it seemed as if I had been placed completely out of the reach of ail amus...
Cells and Temperature Cells cannot remain alive outside certain limits of temperature, and much narrower limits mark the boundaries of effective functioning. Enzyme systems of mammals and birds are most efficient only within a narrow range around 37 ℃; a departure of a few degrees from this value seriously impairs their functioning. Even though cells can survive wider fluctu...
I grew up in a small town where the elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house and in an age when children could go home for lunch. At the time, I did not consider this a luxury, although today it certainly would be. I took it for granted that mothers were the sandwich-makers and the homework monitors. I never questioned that this ambitious, intelligent woman, w...
The Salinity of Ocean Waters If the salinity of ocean waters is analyzed, it is found to vary only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation – conversion of liquid water to ...
The American Civil War The military aspect of the United States Civil War has always attracted the most attention from scholars. The roar of gunfire, the massed movements of uniformed men, the shrill o f bugles, and the drama of hand to hand combat have facinated students of warfare for a century. Behind the lines, however, life was less spectacular. It was the story of back...
Treasure in Sunken Ships Of the tens of thousands of ships on the ocean bottom, only a handful, less than 1 percent, contain negotiable treasure, such as gold and jewels. Most give us a different priceless treasure — history. A sunken ship lies in trust, preserved in the airless environment of the sea and those in deep water are especially well protected. No dry land s...
The War between Britain and France In the late eighteenth century, battles raged in almost every corner of Europe, as well as in the Middle East,South Africa, the West Indies, and Latin America. In reality, however, there was only one major war during this time,the war between Britain and France. All other battles were ancillary to this larger conflict, and were often at lea...
阅读好书 我再说一遍,把你的一部分空闲时光用来培养阅读好书的爱好吧。那些设法把自己培养成为真正爱好读书的人,确实是幸运的。因为爱读书的人比之别人有着明显的好处。只要手头有书,他们就从来不知寂寞。书越好,读来越是津津有味。他们从好书中不但得到乐趣,而且受到很多教益。他们从中获得的那种精神食粮,从其他地方是很难得到的。即使是在工作休息时,通过读书,他们的工作效率也能更加提高,尽管...
Population Growth The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom. On the contrary, demographic history offers evidence that population growth has not been at all constant. According to paleoecologist Edward Deevey, the past million years show three momentous changes. The first,...
中文翻译: 罕见的化石记录 胚胎与幼体被保存下来在化石记录中是少见的事情。微小纤细的骨骼 通常在石化前就被食腐肉的动物拆散了,或者被风化作用破坏掉了。 鱼龙比起陆地的动物 有更大的几率被保存下来,因为它们作为海洋动物常生活在腐蚀性较小的环境中。 但是它们的石化需要一系列因素:软组织的腐烂速度缓慢,很少被其他动物残食,缺少混杂、冲走小骨头的快速水流和波浪,以及相当快地被掩埋。 当这些...
Types of Speech Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood,used,and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by al...
Cohesion-tension Theory Atmospheric pressure can support a column of water up to 10 meters high. But plants can move water much higher; the sequoia tree can pump water to its very top more than 100 meters above the ground. Until the end of the nineteenth century, the movement of water in trees and other tall plants was a mystery. Some botanists hypothesized that the living c...
The Microscopic Technique Each advance in microscopic technique has provided scientists with new perspectives on the function of living organisms and the nature of matter itself. The invention of the visible light microscope late in the sixteenth century introduced a previously unknown realm of single celled plants and animals.In the twentieth century, electron microscopes h...