
Dear Mary, 亲爱的玛丽: Please find enclosed my entire Noblet collection as a sign that I forgive you. 请收下我收集的所有“诺布利特”玩偶 作为我原谅你的见证 When I received your book, the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer, smashing into each other. 当我收到你的书 我的感受就像是转筒式干燥机 纠缠在了一起 The hurt felt like when I accidentally stapled...

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女士们、先生们: 感谢您选乘四川航空公司的航班,选择与美丽同行。执行本次航班的机长,在此带领全体机组成员向您表示欢迎,我们将竭诚为您服务。 现在客舱乘务员将进行安全确认,请您系好安全带,收起小桌板,打开遮阳板,调直座椅靠背,收起脚踏板,关闭包括具有“飞行模式”的手机及所有电子产品。特别提醒您,请爱护机上设施设备,正常情况下请不要触碰机上救生衣等紧急设备。 谢谢! Ladies and Gentle...

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I remember a wonderful moment as before my eyes you appeared, like a vision, fleeting, momentary, like a spirit of the purest beauty. 我记得那美妙的瞬间 你就在我的眼前降临 如同昙花一现的梦幻 如同纯真之美的化身 in the torture of hopeless melancholy, in the bustle of the world's noisy hours, that voice rang out so tenderly, i dreamed of that lovely face of yours. 我为绝望...

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When your legs don't work like they used to before 当你的腿脚不再像从前那般灵活 And I can't sweep you off of your feet 当我也不再像从前那样让你神魂颠倒 Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love 你是否还记得我们相爱时的点滴滋味 Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks 你的笑颜又是否会像从前那般闪烁迷人 And darling I will be loving you till we're seven...

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Dear Future Husband, 亲爱的未来老公: I'm not yet sure whether you exist, though I'd like to believe that you do. While it may not make much logical sense, you've been on my mind lately. I haven't thought much about what you'll look like, how tall you'll be, or what type of car you'll drive — I'm not too concerned with the minor details. Howev...

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It's not easy to live and work in a big city, 'cause the competition is so fierce and you can barely balance your job and your life. 在大城市生活并不容易,因为竞争非常激烈,你几乎没有办法平衡工作与生活。 It's not easy to live in a small city, 'cause everyone around you will think they have a say in how you live and you're basically living your life for ot...

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致我最爱的篮球 Kobe Bryant Dear Basketball, from the moment 亲爱的篮球,从小时候 I started rolling my dad's tube socks and shooting imaginary 我穿着老爸的直筒袜,假装着 Game-winning shots in the Great Western Forum. 我在大西部论坛球馆,投中制胜球的样子。 I knew one thing was real: I fell in love with you. 我就清楚知道一件事情:我爱上你了。 A love so deep I gave you my al...

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The pure, the bright, the beautiful, That stirred our hearts in youth, The impulses to wordless prayer, The dreams of love and truth; The longing after something's lost, The spirit's yearning cry, The striving after better hopes— These things can never die. 强烈地震撼着我们年轻的心灵的, 推动着我们做无言的祷告的, 让我们梦想着爱与真理的; 在失去后为之感到珍惜的, 使...

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Never stop caring about the little things in life. 时刻关注生活的细节 Never stop dreaming, and don't give into strife. 时刻保持梦想,不要向困难屈服 Never stop wondering are we on our own. 时刻问问自己是否孤立无援 Never stop thinking has your spirituality grown. 时刻问问自己的精神是否有所成长 Never stop building bridges that lead to better tomorrows. 时刻为美好的明天而努...

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Once upon a time, there was a king who worried day and night about what tomorrow might bring. 很久以前,有一个国王,他整日担心明天会发生什么事,整日忧心忡忡。 He feared he would lose his power, his wife might not love him, his subjects would become disloyal. 他担心自己会失去王权,担心王后不再爱他,担心他的子民可能会对他不忠。 He could not sleep for all his worries about the ...

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守夜人的那段誓言 Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. 长夜将至, 我从今开始守望, 至死方休。 I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. 我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。 I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。 我将尽忠职守,生死於斯。 I am the sword in the darkness. I am t...

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Have you ever found yourself in the place to console anyone? 你有没有遇到过需要安慰别人的时候? Every now and then we see people get emotional around us. 时不时地,我们身边总会有人出现些情绪上的问题。 Sometimes they experience tragedy. 有时候是因为他们经历了惨剧。 Sometimes they just find out that life doesn't go as they planned. 有时候,只是因为他们发现生活并没有像他们...

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Whose smile is it? It's so sweet, so deep And so round! 是谁笑得那样甜,那样深, 那样圆转? Strings of pearls, small ones,big ones, all sparkle with innocence! 一串一串明珠 大小闪着光亮,迸出天真! Emerging from spring, it floats to the surface And brightly Scatters around! 清泉底浮动,泛流到水面上, 灿烂 分散 Whose smile is it? It's like a flower blossom, Graceful, ...

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I am willing that it is a torrent, the river in the mountain, pass the rock on the rugged mountain path Only my spouse. It is a small fish, swim happily in my spray. 我愿意是急流, 山里的小河, 在崎岖的路上, 岩石上经过…… 只要我的爱人是一条小鱼, 在我的浪花中快乐地游来游去。 I willing neglect woods, two sides in river, to a burst of blast, Fight bravely Only my spouse It is ...

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Dear Seth, You're only three years old, and at this point in your life you can't read, much less understand what I'm going to try to tell you in this letter. But I've been thinking a lot about the life that you have ahead of you, about my life so far as I reflect on what I've learned, and about my role as a dad in trying to prepare you for the trials that...

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I've been job hunting for about eight months. 在八个月的时间里,我一直在找工作。 A few weeks ago I went to an interview and handed off my car to the valet guy. 几周以前,我开车参加一个面试,把车子交给停车的侍者。 As I was waiting for the elevator I heard him tell his coworker that he would kill for a coffee, so after my interview I stopped at the cafe in the lobby and gr...

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If you suddenly get old tomorrow, would you feel regret when you look back at your life? 假如明天,你会突然变老,在回顾你这一生时,你是否会感到遗憾? Or would you feel that your life is worth it? 或许,你也会觉得此生已无憾? Or you have never thought about this kind of things? 当然,也可能你其实从未想过这些事? If you ask somebody what the meaning of life is, 如果你问一个人“...

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If I love you, 我如果爱你 I won't wind upon you like a trumpet creeper, 绝不像攀援的凌霄花, upvalue myself by your height. 借你的高枝炫耀自己。 If I love you, 我如果爱你, I will never follow a spoony bird, 绝不学痴情的鸟儿, repeating the monotone song for the green shade; 为绿荫重复单调的歌曲。 not only like a spring head, 也不止像泉源, brings you clean coolness whol...

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Every Sunday morning I take a light jog around a park near my home. There's a lake located in one corner of the park. 每个星期日的早晨,我都会绕着我家附近的公园轻松地慢跑。公园的一角有一片湖。 Each time I jog by this lake, I see the same elderly woman sitting at the water's edge with a small metal cage sitting beside her. 每当我慢跑经过这片湖,都会看到同一个老妇人,...

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Suppose someone gave you a pen- a sealed, solid-colored pen. 假如有人送你一支笔, 一支不可拆卸的单色钢笔。 You couldn't see how much ink it had. 看不出里面究竟有多少墨水。 It might run dry after the first few tentative words 或许在你试探性地 写上几个字后它就会没有墨水 or last just long enough to create a masterpiece(or several) that would last forever and make a differen...

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