
每天读一点英文 之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 15: The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville 格雷厄姆—多德的超级投资者们 Is the Graham and Dodd "look for values with a significant margin of safety relative to prices" approach to security analysis out of date? 格雷厄姆与多德追求“价值远超过价格的安全保障”,这种证券分析方法是否已经过时?目前许多撰写教科...

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9岁“小孩总统”励志演讲: 我们都需要的精神讲话

"Kid President小孩总统"充满激情的励志演讲,他是来自美国田纳西州的小男孩Robby Novak,今年9岁。这位看起来充满活力、上串下跳的小男孩,患有成骨不全症,又称"脆骨症"。Robby想通过他的演讲,让大人们少点烦恼,世界自然美好。这篇名为"A Pep Talk from Kid President to You"的演讲,已有1600万观众看过。希望他能给你带来启发。 A Pep Talk from Kid President to You...

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每天读一点英文 之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 20 Eulogy for Princess Diana !悼念戴安娜 By Earl Spencer’s speech at Princess Diana’s funeral 史宾沙伯爵在戴安娜王妃葬礼上的演讲 (delivered 6 September 1997 By her Brother 9th Earl Spencer) I stand before you today, the representative of a family in grief, in a country in mourning before a world in shock. 我今天站在你们...

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美国前白宫演讲撰稿人Jon Lovett,前奥巴马和希拉里的御用演讲稿撰稿人,2013年5月18日在匹兹学院的演讲及演讲稿,匹兹学院是Claremont Colleges(克里蒙特学院联盟)的一所文理学院。成立于1963年,为学院联盟的第五个成员。Jon Lovett和《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)的杰森·温纳(Jason Winer)联合编写了《总统一家》(1600 Penn)的剧本,被描述为“类似发生在白宫里的《摩登家庭》的故事...

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Nikolai Begg在Ted英语演讲:修复手术危险时刻的工具

Nikolai Begg在Ted英语演讲:修复手术危险时刻的工具(中英双语+) The first time I stood in the operating room and watched a real surgery, I had no idea what to expect. I was a college student in engineering. I thought it was going to be like on TV. Ominous music playing in the background, beads of sweat pouring down the surgeon’s face. But it wasn’t like that at all....

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Australian Prime Minister John Howard in BoaoAsia BBS 2005 Meeting Every Year the Speech 澳总理霍华德在博鳌亚洲论坛2005年年会上的演讲 Chairman Jia Qinglin, Your Excellencies, my fellow Heads of Government, ladies and gentlemen, 贾庆林主席,各位贵宾,各国政府领导人,女士们、先生们: It is common ground to this conference, ladies and gentlemen, that Asia has experienced extrao...

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45. Unleashing Your Creativity 45. 释放你的创造力 I believe that computers are the most incredible tool we can use to feed our curiosity and inventiveness—to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn’t solve on their own. Computer have transformed how we learrn, giving kids everywhere a window into all of the world’s knowledge. They’...

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22. Address by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson at the Conference of Heads of State and Government 22. 北约秘书在首脑会议闭幕式上的讲话 But I just want to say on this historic day that I do not regret a single word, not one, because I think that those words of criticism but also of encouragement from me and from the other countries around this table have made today pos...

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Helen Fisher在Ted英语演讲:爱情魔力背后隐藏的秘密

I and my colleagues Art Aron and Lucy Brown and others, have put 37 people who are madly in love into a functional MRI brain scanner. 17 who were happily in love, 15 who had just been dumped, and we’re just starting our third experiment: studying people who report that they’re still in love after 10 to 25 years of marriage. So, this is the short story of that res...

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29. Current Challenges and Risks 29. 目前的战和民险(美国财政部长盖特纳在北京大学发表演讲) The world economy is going through the most challenging economic and financial stress in generations. 世界经济正在经历多年来最具挑战性的经济和财政压力。 The International Monetary Fund predicts that the world economy will shrink this year for the first time in more than six decades. T...

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7. The Czech President Harry in NATO Summit Weir on the Closing Ceremony to Welcome Message 7. 捷克总统哈韦尔在北约首脑会议闭幕式上致欢迎词 May our forthcoming deliberations continue to advance the best features of this special tradition of the Czech capital city! May they advance them not only through the letter of the adopted resolutions or documents, but also through the ...

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Ted励志演讲:身残心不残,Janine Shepherd的故事

Janine Shepherd的故事读起来就像是一部好莱坞剧情片。一位杰出的越野滑雪选手,正在为参加冬季奥运而刻苦训练。然而在她二十四岁的那一年,当她在澳大利亚新南威尔士州著名的蓝山风景区 (Blue Mountains) 进行自行车训练时,被一辆卡车撞上了。这场意外从此改变了她的一生。这件事让Janine Shepherd成为人类生存学的正面教材,她的正能量全部都存在她的几部自传里,向世人讲述了身残心不残的故事。 Janine...

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教育家Rita Pierson Ted演讲:每个孩子都需要一个冠军

丽塔·皮尔逊,一位有40年教龄的老师,一次听到一个同事说,“我的职责不是喜欢学生。”她回应道:“孩子们不会跟他们不喜欢的人学习。” 这个充满激情的演讲号召教育者们相信他们的学生并且从个人角度上真正建立起和孩子们的联系。 Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion 每个孩子都需要一个冠军 演讲稿中英对照: I have spent my entire life either at the schoolhouse,...

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21. Change Has Come To America 21. 美国即将改变 The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. 前路严峻而漫长,我们也许在一年甚至一届总统任期之内都无法解决这些问题。 但是美国,我从来没有像今晚这样有信心,相信我们会解决它们。 I pr...

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裔笑星黄西Joe Wong再次做客Letterman表演英语单口相声:This I Believe

美国深夜节目收视率冠军的“大卫赖特曼秀”,2009年4月17日晚上破天荒邀请中国口音极重的黄西(Joe Wong)亮相,以英语讲美式笑话,近六分钟的演出,观众反应热烈。黄西一炮而红,并被称为“美版的周立波”。2012年03月30华裔笑星黄西Joe Wong 再次做客Letterman深夜秀,以”This I Believe”系列段子大展冷面笑匠的恶搞功力这次主要吐槽移民政策和保险杠贴纸。 Joe Wong R...

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2012第84届奥斯卡最佳女主角Meryl Streep获奖感言

2012第84届奥斯卡最佳女主角梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)。梅丽尔凭借《铁娘子》中撒切尔夫人的角色获得金球金像双料影后!下面是梅姑的奥斯卡获奖感言。 梅丽尔·斯特里普第84届奥斯卡最佳女主角获奖感言英语演讲稿: Oh my God. Oh come on. Oh, oh. All right. Thank you so much, thank you, thank you! 噢,我的天啊。噢,好吧。噢,噢,好了。非常谢谢大家,谢谢,谢谢。 I…Whe...

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2014第86届奥斯卡最佳男配角Jared Leto获奖感言

第86届奥斯卡颁奖典礼当地时间2014年3月2日在好莱坞杜比剧院举行。安妮海瑟薇上台颁奖最佳男配角,杰瑞德·莱托凭借在《达拉斯买家俱乐部》中的精彩表演,得奖。下面是杰瑞德·莱托的奥斯卡获奖感言。 And the Oscar goes to Jared Leto. 奥斯卡(最佳男配角)得主是杰瑞德·莱托。 下面是Jared Leto的获奖感言: Incredible. Ellen, I love you. To my fellow nominees, I’m so p...

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11.Singapore President Nathan Lee Hsien Loong in Sworn in as a Third Term as Prime Minister Ceremony Speech 11. 新加坡总统纳丹在李显龙宣誓就任第三任总理仪式上的演讲 Singapore was never meant to be sovereign on its own To survive, we had to be different, indeed exceptional. We progressed and thrived because we built strong institutions founded on sound values-integrity, merit...

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英国前首相撒切尔夫人国会辩论现场,在议会辩论中,撒切尔夫人猛烈抨击工党的新税制,认为新税制不单是大步奔向社会主义,更是通往共产主义之路,从而奠定了她强而有力的议会辩手的名声。铁娘子最经典的"No,No,No!"把工党杀得体无完肤。面对质疑和不满,撒切尔夫人强有力的应对,不失夫人本色,也不忘适度“发飙”。 On economic and monetary union, I stressed that we would be rea...

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