
One of the many examples Kash used to explain the concept 其中Kash用来解释 社交化营销 概念的例子 of social marketing was the lack of organ donors in this country 就是美国在器官捐赠方面的不足 which kills 18 people every single day 每天因此有18人死亡 Earlier this month 本月早些时候 Facebook launched a tool to support organ donations Facebook推出了一款支持器官捐赠的工具 somethi...

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For me this point of view is just heartbreaking 在我看来这种观点太让人伤心了 The United States leads the world in technology and in big ideas 美国领导着世界科技 领导着大思想 We do not sit by and let other country show us how to innovate 我们不会坐等其它国家向我们展示如何创新 Workers in China and India will soon demand a higher quality of life along with more real income we w...

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The television program by that name would inspire "比尔教科学"这一电视节目激发了 an entire generation to become interested in science and my guess is many of you are here this morning 一整代人对科学的兴趣我猜 其中很多人今天早上都来到了这里 How many of you remember who are fans of the show? 有多少节目的粉丝 还记得这个节目 He won 7 Emmy Awards for writing, performing...

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Mine moved quickly 我的世界变化很快 yours moves even more quickly 你的世界变化更快 As traditional structures are breaking down 在这个传统结构正被打破的时代 leadership has to evolve as well 领导班子也需要演变 from hierarchy to shared responsibility 从设立阶层到责任共享 from command and control to listening and guiding 从命令与控制到聆听和引导 You've been trained by this g...

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but perhaps you are hoping to remotely touch someone you'll never meet 有可能 你会同遥远的未曾相识的人产生联系。 the Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity rovers which are on Mars 勇气号 机遇号 好奇号火星探测器。 are each fitted with a photometric calibration target 都载有一个光度校准目标。 a test pattern for the cameras 一个摄像机测试图案。 which also serves as a sundial 同...

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And by the time you all reach your billionth second here on earth when you're a little over six months into your 31st year 你们也会等到十亿位变动的那一刻到时你们大约是31岁半过一点 We will probably be over 9 billion and perhaps well on our way to 12 billion humans on earth 地球人口可能会超过90亿甚至可能会一直增长到120亿 What this means is we are all part of the problem 这...

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Directs a great deal of that bucket blast around your waistband. 仍然会将大量的水引向你的腰间。 So you get a lot less cold water in your trousers. 抽出下摆 能够让水较少地流进裤子里。 I know this to be true. 我知道这是真的。 Because I did it many times on the science show. 因为我在科学秀中做过很多次。 Mine was unique experience. 这是我独特的经验。 I'm telling you this jus...

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So instead I want to know what's your biggest problem 所以我就想知道什么是你现在最棘手的问题 and how can I solve it 我又该如何帮你解决这个问题 My jaw hit the floor 我感动得五体投地 I'd hired thousands of people up to that point in my career 那时我一路过来 雇了上千人 but no one had ever said anything like that 但是从来没有人对我这样说过 I had never said anything like ...

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People in other parts of the world in the factories of India and China 在世界其它地方 例如印度和中国的工厂 are facing the same problems and clamoring for the same kinds of improvement in their air 当地也面临着相同问题 也希望空气质量得到改善 It is another opportunity for leadership 这是另一个争取领导权的机会 Toxic fogs were a thing of the past 毒雾已经成为过去时 Coal emission...

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Wind turbines are cool. You're going to love them 风力发电机很酷 你们会爱上它们 They'll be a source of pride 它们将是自豪的来源 The solar cell that powers my never winded watch 为我这块不用上发条的手表提供电能 Is around 10% efficient 太阳能电池的效率大概是10% Which is plenty for a watch 这对手表已经很不错了 But what if it were 50% efficient or 80% efficient? 但如果能...

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Skyrocketed to over 50 cents a liter 2 dollars a gallon, everybody 猛涨到50多美分一升2美元一加仑 大伙 Now we're the last country 我们是最后一个国家 I'm hoping someday we'll get leaders in gasoline as well as other things 我希望有一天我们能够有汽油及其它东西的领袖 Back then we were still in the throes of the disco era 当时 我们还处在迪斯科年代 We had leisure suits...

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The best scientific exploration sounded like a fairytale. 当时最好的科学理论就像是童话故事。 My second grade teacher Mrs. McGonigle read it to us. 我的二年级老师麦戈尼格尔女士告诉我们。 The dinosaurs had small brains. They were stupid. 恐龙的脑非常小 它们很愚蠢。 So mice and bats beat up the dinosaur and took their food. 老鼠和蝙蝠打败了恐龙 抢走了它们的食物。 Really. 真的。...

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And are we alone?. 二是我们是否唯一。 Those 2 deep questions drive us all through our whole lives. 这两个深刻问题伴随着我们的整个生命。 And to answer those 2 questions. 要回答这两个问题。 we have to continue to explore outer space. 我们就需要持续对外太空的探索。 When I was in school, I had a remarkable professor Carl Sagan. 我上学时 有一位很不寻常的教授叫卡尔?萨根。 He spoke...

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Not just those of us lucky enough to go to HBS 不仅是那些能到HBS读书的幸运儿 but anyone with access to Facebook, to Twitter, to a mobile phone 而是任何能上Facebook Twitter或者有手机的人 This is disrupting traditional power structures 这正在打破传统的权利结构 and leveling traditional hierarchy 让传统的阶层界限变得模糊 Voice and power are shifting from institutions to individu...

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So I speak about it openly and that gives people permission 后来我就主动地谈论这个缺点 to tell me when it's happening 让大家来认同我 因而可以在我焦躁时告诫我 But if I never said anything 但是如果我对此一句不提 would anyone who works at Facebook walk up to me and say 会有Facebook的员工 走上来对我说 Hey Sheryl, calm down 嘿 谢丽尔 冷静点 You're driving us all nuts! I d...

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Simple and clear and super important for him to know 简单明了 而且非常重要 需要让马克知道 People rarely speak this clearly 在工作或者生活中 in the workforce or in life 人们很少会把话说那么明了 And as you get more senior 尤其是当你的级别上升后 not only will people speak less clearly to you 人们不仅不会和你把话说清楚 but they will overreact to the small things you say 还会对你...

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We realized online video was a new media 我们认识到 网络视频是一种新媒体 that it could unleash the creativity of people all over the world 它能释放出世界各地人们的创造性 and also spark the curiosity of people who wanted to watch them 也能激发出观看者的好奇心 And even though we knew this was early, it had the potential to be big 我们知道 虽然现在还很早 但它的潜力肯定是无限大...

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You need to be prepared to explore a bit 你需要做好探索的准备 to make decisions of what you find, enjoy, discover 在追寻 享受 发现的过程中做决定 I never would've experienced any of that 我将永远无法体会到这些 I never would've discovered that technology could be creative 我将永远无法发现技术的创造性 I never would've started my career in tech 我将永远无法开始自己的...

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It's easy to say that you're going to encourage feedback 当然说鼓励反馈容易 but it's hard to do 做起来难 because unfortunately it doesn't always 因为听到的反馈 come in a format we want to hear it 往往不是我们想要的那种 When I first started at Google 当我刚开始在Google工作时 I had a team of four people 我的团队里面有四个人 and it was really important to me 所...

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You can take your phone, take a video 你可以用手机拍段视频 share it on YouTube with a few clicks and share it with the world 轻松点击几下就能发到YouTube上 同世界分享 Take a picture, put a filter on it, share it with everyone you know 拍张照 加个滤镜 然后同所有认识的人分享 all while listening to your music that's in the cloud 同时发些音乐到云里同大家分享 In fact, you guys...

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